Anthony Levandowski Closes His Church of AI

The first church of artificial intelligence has shut its conceptual doors. From a report: Anthony Levandowski, the former Google engineer who avoided an 18-month prison sentence after receiving a presidential pardon last month, has closed the church he created to understand and accept a godhead based on artificial intelligence. The Way of the Future church, which Levandowski formed in 2015, was…

‘Code Switch’ From NPR Is Apple’s Podcast of the Year

Apple has picked “Code Switch” as the best audio show of the year, marking the first time the company has recognized a single podcast in this way. Engadget reports: Code Switch is NPR’s weekly discussion on race. While the series has been on the air for the better part of seven years, it became significantly more popular over the summer as…

Leaked Documents Reveal What TikTok Shares With Authorities In the US

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: Documents published in the BlueLeaks trove, which was hacked by someone claiming a connection to Anonymous and published by the transparency collective Distributed Denial of Secrets, show the information that TikTok shared with U.S. law enforcement in dozens of cases. Experts familiar with law enforcement requests say that what TikTok collects and…

YouTube Bans Thousands of Chinese Accounts To Combat ‘Coordinated Influence Operations’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: YouTube has banned a large number of Chinese accounts it said were engaging in “coordinated influence operations” on political issues, the company announced today; 2,596 accounts from China alone were taken down from April to June, compared with 277 in the first three months of 2020. “These channels mostly uploaded spammy, non-political content,…

Tech Firms Hire ‘Red Teams.’ Scientists Should, Too

The recent retraction of a research paper which claimed to find no link between police killings and the race of the victims was a story tailor-made for today’s fights over cancel culture. From a report: First, the authors asked for the paper to be withdrawn, both because they’d been “careless when describing the inferences that could be made from our data”…

Cisco Fires Workers for Racial Comments During Diversity Forum

During a series of Cisco online all-hands meetings on race in early June, some workers posted comments in message channels that other staff and company management said were demeaning to Black people, exposing racial divisions at the Silicon Valley tech giant and leading to the dismissal of a number of people. From a report: During the first videoconference on June 1,…

An Online Learning Tradition From High School Through College: Meet Arjun

Arjun has been taking online courses on edX since 8th grade. It’s become a tradition to take a new course every summer. Now that he’s in college, Arjun uses online courses to explore career paths and continue to learn more about topics he’s interested in—most recently, how contract law affects our understanding of racial dynamics in America. What edX course or…

Police Surveilled Protests With Help From Twitter-Affiliated Startup Dataminr

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: Leveraging close ties to Twitter, controversial artificial intelligence startup Dataminr helped law enforcement digitally monitor the protests that swept the country following the killing of George Floyd, tipping off police to social media posts with the latest whereabouts and actions of demonstrators, according to documents reviewed by The Intercept and a source…

Chicago Police Department Arrest API Shutdown is Its Own Kind of ‘Cover Up’

Asraa Mustufa and David Eads, reporting for Chicago Reporter: With Chicago reeling this week from a bloody July 4 weekend that saw more than 80 shootings claim the lives of at least 17 people, including young children, police Superintendent David Brown doubled down on his approach to stemming the violence at a press conference Monday. “We must keep violent offenders in…

Facebook Boycott Leaders ‘Disappointed’ After Meeting With Zuckerberg, Sandberg

Leaders from four of the organizations spearheading the #StopHateforProfit campaign sat down with Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and Chief Product Officer Chris Cox today to discuss the demands of a large advertiser boycott that now includes hundreds of brands. According to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, the chat was an unequivocal disappointment. “Today we saw little and heard just about nothing,”…