More Than a Thousand Scientists Have Built the Most Detailed Picture of Cancer Ever

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: More than a thousand scientists have built the most detailed picture of cancer ever in a landmark study. They said cancer was like a 100,000-piece jigsaw, and that until today, 99% of the pieces were missing. Their studies, published in the journal Nature, provide an almost complete picture of all cancers. They…

Neanderthals never lived in Africa, but their genes got there anyway

Neanderthals never lived in Africa, but traces of their DNA persist in the genomes of people of African ancestry today, and the amount of Neanderthal DNA in people of European ancestry has been underestimated Source:…

Animal DNA is full of viral invaders and now we’ve caught them at it

We know viruses invaded animals’ genomes in the ancient past, but only now have we actually witnessed it happening and the DNA being passed to offspring Source:…

There Still Aren’t Any Rules Preventing Rogue Scientists From Making Gene-Edited Babies

Emily Mullin, writing for OneZero: Around this time last November, Chinese scientist He Jiankui stunned the world when he revealed the birth of the first known gene-edited babies. Working in relative secrecy, he had used CRISPR to modify human embryos in the lab and then established pregnancies with those embryos. Twin girls with edited genomes were born as a result. The…

The grand plan to sequence the genomes of 66,000 UK and Irish species

The Darwin Tree of Life project aims to sequence the genomes of 60,000 species of animals, plants, fungi and complex cells such as amoeba found in the British Isles Source:…

Genome sequencing guides people with metastatic cancer to best therapy

By sequencing the genomes of tumours from more than 2000 people with advanced cancer, researchers have helped many of them find the best treatment option currently available Source:…