How Our Brutal Science System Almost Cost Us a Pioneer of mRNA Vaccines

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: As the first COVID-19 vaccines arrived at Penn Medicine last year, Penn Today reported with great pride, “It was mRNA research conducted at Penn—by Drew Weissman, a professor of Infectious Diseases, and Katalin Karikó, an adjunct associate professor—that helped pave the way for the development of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines.” While Weissman and Karikó…

China Wants Hefty Fines For Viral Video Creators Who Binge Food and Drinks

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: Lawmakers in China are considering new legislation that would impose fines against anyone who creates videos where people eat large quantities of food or binge drinks, according to a new report from Chinese state media outlet China News. The proposed media rule, part of broader legislation to discourage food waste, would also allow…

The Pope Praises Medical Workers, Criticizes ‘Personal Freedom’ Protests

More Americans travelled Wednesday than on any other day in the last eight months — 1.1 million Americans — continuing the country’s long-standing annual tradition of gathering to give thanks. The same week the Pope apparently felt compelled to publish an opinion piece in one of the country’s largest newspapers to share his own thoughts about the pandemic. First, the Pope…

Is Virtual Burning Man the Internet’s Ultimate Test?

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The New York Times, written by Neil Shister, author of “Radical Ritual: How Burning Man Changed the World.” Here’s an excerpt: In perhaps the ultimate test of whether the internet can satisfyingly replicate the real world, Burning Man has gone online this year. The notion isn’t as much of a mismatch as it…

Project Career Research: how to set yourself up for success in choosing a new career

Launching a new career can be an exhilarating process, but also a complicated one. One of the most important steps is the first one—choosing which career to pursue. Whether you’re a college student getting ready to join the workforce for the first time, a mid-career professional looking to make a career switch, or someone returning […]
The post Project Career Research: how…

Coursera raises $130 Million in Series F round of financing

Today, we’re happy to announce that Coursera has raised $130 million as part of the  Series F up round. This financing brings the company’s cash balance to more than $300 million. The round was led by NEA and joined by existing investors Kleiner Perkins, SEEK Group, Learn Capital, SuRo Capital Corp, and G Squared.    Coursera, […]
The post Coursera raises $130 Million…

People Try To Do Right By Each Other, No Matter the Motivation, Study Finds

People want to help each other, even when it costs them something, and even when the motivations to help don’t always align, a new study suggests. Phys.Org reports: In research published today in the journal Science Advances, sociologists found that people overwhelmingly chose to be generous to others — even to strangers, and even when it seems one motivation to help…

‘Burning Man’ Festival in Nevada Cancelled This Year, Will Move Online

“We don’t think it’s practical for us to continue waiting and hoping for the best,” explains the official Burning Man site, adding “public health and the well-being of our participants, staff, and neighbors in Nevada are our highest priorities.” And thus, SFGate reports that the 2020 festival’s communal creation of Black Rock City scheduled to begin August 30th “will now be…

Unlivable Wages in Expensive Cities Are Plaguing the Video Game Industry

An anonymous reader shares a report: Crunch has been one of the biggest topics in video game industry news over the last year with reports of massive studio layoffs at established studios following closely behind. Another topic relating to these issues that hasn’t received as much attention, however, are the low and unfair wages developers are being paid in exchange for…

What Bill Gates Wishes More People Knew About Paul Allen

Microsoft’s original co-founder Paul Allen was honored posthumously with a lifetime achievement award for philanthropy this week at the Forbes Philanthropy summit. Bill Gates remembers Allen as “one of the most intellectually curious people I’ve ever known,” adding “I wish more people understood just how wide-ranging his giving was,” and shared his remembrances at the ceremony: Later in life, Paul gave…