The Wolfram Physics Project hopes to find fundamental theory of physics

Physicist and entrepreneur Stephen Wolfram has unveiled “The Wolfram Physics Project,” which he subtitles “A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics.” The aim of the project is to enlist the assistance of people around the globe to find the fundamental theory of physics—the theory that ties together all of physics, from the general theory of relativity to quantum mechanics….

Ticking cosmic clocks reveal the evolution of stars over millions of years

Pulsars, a type of rotating neutron star, are well-known as incredibly stable astrophysical clocks. Their regularity, used to measure their radio pulses, has led to some of the most exciting tests of Einstein’s general theory of relativity and allowed scientists to examine the behavior of the extremely dense matter inside neutron stars. Source:…

What is astrophysics?

Observational astronomy and astrophysics work together to further our understanding of the cosmos. Astrophysicists apply the laws of physics and physical theories to interpret the light gathered by observational astronomers. Source:…