Scientists Put Human Brain Genes in Monkeys and Made Them Smarter

It’s time for the latest edition of “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”, the game show that pits seemingly unethical science against potentially catastrophic predictions. In today’s competition, scientists in China (one point already for the catastrophic team) announce they used gene-editing to place human brain genes in rhesus macaque monkeys and it made their brains… Continue reading Scientists Put Human Brain Genes in Monkeys and Made Them Smarter

Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol

With every new, paradigm-shifting technology there’s bound to be a few hard-to-predict effects. Usually when you think of gene editing, visions of mad scientists and scenes from Gattaca flash through your mind (well, for me at least). There’s at least one use for gene editing that doesn’t lead to a sci-fi dystopia. Or maybe it… Continue reading Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol