This book ranks the top 100 solutions to climate change. The results are surprising.


10 ways to accelerate progress against climate change


One comet, 70 thousand images

Scientists released the OSIRIS Image Viewer to make the amazing images of comet 67P – acquired by the Rosetta spacecraft – easily accessible on the internet. Source:…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day


Closest rocky exoplanets could support life

Intense UV radiation from red dwarf stars was thought to make potentially habitable exoplanets unable to support life. But a new study of the 4 nearest rocky worlds suggests otherwise. Source:…

Yellow Vests Return to Streets of Paris Enraged by Billions Donated to Rebuild Notre Dame

Julia Conley – The inequality and hypocrisy is more visible than ever. Source:…

TESS Discovers Its First Earth-Sized Planet

Iwastheone shares a report from MIT News: NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, TESS, has discovered its first Earth-sized exoplanet. The planet, named HD 21749c, is the smallest world outside our solar system that TESS has identified yet. In a paper published today in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters, an MIT-led team of astronomers reports that the new planet orbits the star…

A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The bill contains groundbreaking changes to the way the state’s utilities do business. The trend of states targeting 100 percent clean electricity has gone viral. Last month, New Mexico targeted 100 percent clean by 2045. The Maryland legislature recently passed a bill targeting 50 percent renewable by 2030 and looking into the viability of 100… Continue reading A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill