EA Origin Users, Update Your Client Now

Between Anthem, multiple rounds of layoffs, and all the trouble the publisher has had with various Star Wars games recently, EA has had a pretty rocky last 12 months. But strangely, a recent bug with its Origin game client might be one of the company’s most serious issues yet.Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/ea-origin-users-update-your-client-now-1834079604…

If You Don’t Want to Live On This Planet Anymore, Terraforming Mars Is the Perfect Board Game

Terraforming Mars is a board game about, uh, terraforming Mars. It has great reviews on Amazon, an 8.4 rating on Board Game Geek, and is down to its best price since last April. If you have some family time to kill over the next few weeks, each game should last you a couple of hours… Continue reading If You Don’t Want to Live On This Planet Anymore, Terraforming Mars Is the Perfect Board Game

One of the Biggest Games in the World Is a Mod of a Mod

Dota 2, like most video games, has you play the hero. Dota Auto Chess, a wildly popular mod of Dota 2, reimagines you as the head coach or general manager for a team of heroes. It features the same cast of characters—a dragon knight, a druid—but now you’re deciding whether you have money to put… Continue reading One of the Biggest Games in the World Is a Mod of a Mod

New Documentary ‘Playing Hard’ Shows That Making Games Can Be Hell

Two months before the release of Ubisoft’s historical online fighting game For Honor, producer Stéphane Cardin left the project without warning. Cardin, burned out, fled to a cabin in the woods for what the new documentary Playing Hard—which chronicles the four year development of For Honor, from pitch to launch, and is available to stream… Continue reading New Documentary ‘Playing Hard’ Shows That Making Games Can Be Hell

Everything You Need to Dungeon Master Your First Dungeons & Dragons Game

From playing a central role in Stranger Things to the record-breaking Critical Role, Dungeons & Dragons has finally found its time in the sun. If you want to start your own game with a group of friends, you’re going to need some gear first. Read more… Source: https://theinventory.com/everything-you-need-to-dungeon-master-your-first-dungeo-1833843780

Some Genius Recreated the World of ‘Stardew Valley’ in ‘Minecraft’

This past summer when I had the flu and was bored out of my mind, I made the decision to start playing the farming-and-life simulator Stardew Valley, which to this day is probably the best $15 I’ve ever spent. I don’t play a lot of video games—I grew up without any consoles, and my brain-to-controller-button-pressing… Continue reading Some Genius Recreated the World of ‘Stardew Valley’ in ‘Minecraft’