Scientists confirm Europa’s water vapor geysers … maybe

New observations appear to confirm the existence of water vapor geysers on Europa. The findings are tantalizing, but some scientists are not convinced yet. Source:…

A closer look at Io’s weird volcanoes

Io’s volcanoes have fascinated scientists since the Voyager 1 spacecraft first discovered them nearly 40 years ago. Now a comprehensive new report – based on ground-based studies – unveils new mysteries about the most volcanically active world in our solar system. Source:…

Table salt compound spotted on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Europa has an ocean, hidden beneath its icy crust. The discovery of sodium chloride – aka table salt – on the moon’s surface might be strong evidence that Europa’s ocean is very similar to Earth’s. Source:…

How to see Jupiter’s moons

With Jupiter now at its closest to Earth, turn binoculars or a telescope on the giant planet for a glimpse of its 4 largest moons. Source:…

Unfathomably deep oceans on alien water worlds?

Distant water exoplanets might have oceans thousands of miles deep. That’s in contrast to Earth’s ocean, which is about 6.8 miles (about 11 km) deep at its deepest point. Source:…

Italian Flat Earthers Claim Round Earth Laws Don’t Apply to Them

You’ve probably seen signs on public transportation that read “Children under 6 ride free” or “Senior citizens ride free” or even “Veterans ride free.” Have you ever seen one that reads: “Flat Earthers ride free”? “The earth is flat, we are terrapiattisti, ambassadors out of every planetary jurisdiction and therefore we don’t pay for the… Continue reading Italian Flat Earthers Claim Round Earth Laws Don’t Apply to Them

Profiles in Science: How Do You Find an Alien Ocean? Margaret Kivelson Figured It Out

For forty years, the physicist at U.C.L.A. has been uncovering the outer solar system’s secrets. Few scientists know more about the mysteries of Jupiter and its icy moons. Source:…