Is Amazon Losing Market Share?

For the first three months of 2020, Amazon’s revenue was up 26% (to $75.5 billion). Yet several of its competitors in e-commerce “are showing dramatically faster growth rates,” reports Bloomberg’s opinion columnist, noting Shopify reported “the aggregated online sales of its merchant customer base grew 46% in the first quarter.” And of course, after March sales began increasing even more:
Online furniture…

What Happened When Tulsa Paid People to Work Remotely

Remember when Tulsa, Oklahoma offered $10,000 to remote workers who’d relocate to their city? It was an immensely popular program. “You have better odds of getting into Harvard or Yale than you do of getting into the Tulsa Remote program,” the city’s mayor told CityLab: All of the Remoters get a free one-year membership to the coworking space, though others prefer…

Facebook Trains An AI To Navigate Without Needing a Map

A team at Facebook AI has created a reinforcement learning algorithm that lets a robot find its way in an unfamiliar environment without using a map. MIT Technology Review reports: Using just a depth-sensing camera, GPS, and compass data, the algorithm gets a robot to its goal 99.9% of the time along a route that is very close to the shortest…

Could future moon homes be made of fungi?

For future homes on the moon, Mars, and other worlds, NASA is exploring technologies that would use mushrooms to grow self-repairing, self-replicating habitats. Source:…

Beware! Your Next Thrift Store Purchase May Come With Ghosts

A thrift store in North Carolina recently made headlines when they sold a 1950s haunted bedroom set for $1,000. Haunted items at thrift stores are actually more common than we think. And it makes sense, as we don’t know the history of the items that are brought there, who owned them, or what happened to… Read more » Source:…

Tenants Can’t Handle More Than One Night At Extremely Haunted House

People have a hard time staying at one of the most haunted houses in Hull, England. In fact, nobody has lived in the house located at 39 De Grey Street since 2007. With children suddenly appearing from inside the walls and women getting strangled with their own scarves, this location is a hot spot for… Read more » Source:…

AI is Helping Old Video Games Look Like New

Classic video games are getting a makeover. But it’s not big-name game developers making the improvements: it’s independent modders. From a report: The technique being used is known as “AI upscaling.” In essence, you feed an algorithm a low-resolution image, and, based on training data it’s seen, it spits out a version that looks the same but has more pixels in…

9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source:…