Rocking flies with a vibrating lullaby helps them sleep for longer

Fruit flies that are lulled by gentle vibrations while they fall sleep snooze for longer, a finding that could explain why babies like to be rocked or why people fall asleep in the car Source:…

Fruit flies reveal new insights into space travel’s effect on the heart

Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute have shown that fruit flies that spent several weeks on the International Space Station (ISS)—about half of their lives—experienced profound structural and biochemical changes to their hearts. The study, published today in Cell Reports, suggests that astronauts who spend a lengthy amount of time in space—which would be required for formation of a…

Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have

Preparing a worm farm kit is easy. Plus, the materials you need are also very affordable. To help you get you started, here are the materials that you need to prepare. RELATED: How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin Worm Farm Kit For Beginners What is Worm Farming? Worm farming, or vermicomposting, is the process…Continue Reading
The post Worm Farm Kit: Essential…

How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin

Creating your own worm composting bin is a great addition to your homestead. It is affordable, low-maintenance, and very easy to make. It can help you decompost your food scraps organically. Plus, it can also give you rich and nutritious soil that can help your plants grow faster. To get you moving, we prepared five…Continue Reading
The post How To Start Your…

Early Riser or Night Owl? New Study May Help To Explain the Difference

Some people are early risers, wide awake at the crack of dawn. Others are night owls who can’t seem to get to bed until well after midnight and prefer to sleep in. Why is this? An NIH-funded team has some new clues based on evidence showing how a molecular “switch” wired into the biological clocks of extreme early risers leads them…

Semen seems to help female fruit flies remember things better

A molecule in male fruit fly semen boosts females’ long-term memory – the first example of mating playing a role in cognition Source:…