US Consumers Might Get Their First Taste of Transgenic Salmon This Year

Wave723 shares a report from IEEE Spectrum: Only in the past five years has it become possible to raise thousands of healthy fish so far from the shoreline without contaminating millions of gallons of fresh water. A technology called recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) now allows indoor aquaculture farms to recycle up to 99 percent of the water they use. And the…

‘Snow-cannon’ Enceladus shines up Saturn’s super-reflector moons

Radar observations of Saturn’s moons, Mimas, Enceladus and Tethys, show that Enceladus is acting as a “snow-cannon,” coating itself and its neighbors with fresh water-ice particles to make them dazzlingly reflective. The extreme radar brightness also points to the presence of “boomerang” structures beneath the surface that boost the moons’ efficiency in returning the microwave signals to the spacecraft. The results…

A New Idea For Fighting Rising Sea Levels: Iceberg-Making Submarines

To address the affects of global warming, a team of designers “propose building ice-making submarines that would ply polar waters and pop out icebergs to replace melting floes,” reports NBC News: “Sea level rise due to melting ice should not only be responded [to] with defensive solutions,” the designers of the submersible iceberg factory said in an animated video describing the…

Himalayan glaciers melting double fast since 2000

A new study, which used declassified images from spy satellites, shows that glaciers in the Himalayas melted twice as fast from 2000 to 2016 as they did from 1975 to 2000. Source:…