Watch over 50 New Scientist Live talks for free on YouTube

Add some science to your lockdown living routine, as we make more than 50 incredible talks from our flagship science festival New Scientist Live available for free on YouTube over the coming weeks. Source:…

Watch New Scientist Live talks for free on YouTube

Add some science to your lockdown living routine, as we make more than 50 incredible talks from our flagship science festival New Scientist Live available for free on YouTube over the coming weeks. Source:…

April 3 is John Burroughs’ birthday

John Burroughs – born in 1837 – was one of the 1st nature writers. He said: “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” Source:…

Nikon Is Streaming Online Photography Courses For Free This Month

Nikon USA is offering 10 classes from the its online school for free during the month of April. Engadget reports: The courses range in length from 15 minutes to well over an hour, and all are taught by pro photographers and often Nikon ambassadors. Each class runs between $15 and $50, so Nikon is offering $250 worth of photography training for…