EPA Plans To Get Thousands of Pollution Deaths Off the Books by Changing Its Math

The Environmental Protection Agency plans to change the way it calculates the health risks of air pollution, a shift that would make it easier to roll back a key climate change rule because it would result in far fewer predicted deaths from pollution, New York Times reported this week, citing five people with knowledge of the agency’s plans. From the report:…

Bankrupt US Coal Producer Was Funding Climate Change Denial

The bankruptcy of one of America’s largest coal producers revealed that the company was helping to fund “think tanks that have attacked the link between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change, as well as to several conservative advocacy groups that have attempted to undermine policies intended to shift the economy toward renewable energy,” reports the Intercept. The document shows…

Greening the chemical industry requires massive amount of renewables

To go green, the chemicals industry could use carbon dioxide from the air instead of fossil fuels, but this would require vast amounts of renewable energy Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2202691-greening-the-chemical-industry-requires-massive-amount-of-renewables/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

10 ways to accelerate progress against climate change

Source: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/10/17952334/climate-change-global-warming-un-ipcc-report-solutions-carbon-tax-electric-vehicles…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/21/18223816/earth-day-2019-climate-change-plastic-extinction…

A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The bill contains groundbreaking changes to the way the state’s utilities do business. The trend of states targeting 100 percent clean electricity has gone viral. Last month, New Mexico targeted 100 percent clean by 2045. The Maryland legislature recently passed a bill targeting 50 percent renewable by 2030 and looking into the viability of 100… Continue reading A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The race to save the planet from plastic

Scientists are trying to accelerate evolution to make plastics rot. A tiny new organism is showing them how. Sometime between 2010 and 2015, a tiny organism with an unusual appetite made a home in an industrial site near a bottle-recycling plant in Sakai, Japan. The site, located by a bustling port in one of the… Continue reading The race to save the planet from plastic

Mainstream Media Finally Admits Legal Hemp is the Answer to Dependency on Big Oil

Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project Waking Times Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing… Continue reading Mainstream Media Finally Admits Legal Hemp is the Answer to Dependency on Big Oil