At a town hall, Elizabeth Warren had to explain why a woman is electable. Twice.


‘Game of Thrones’ Shows Why We Need to Back Up Human Civilization

The newest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ plays on real world anxieties about data corruption and erasure.Source:…

Edward Snowden: Assange’s Arrest and the Mueller Report Show a ‘Two-Tiered System of Justice’

In this week’s CYBER podcast, we sat down with Edward Snowden to talk about his life in Russia, Julian Assange, and press freedom.Source:…

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About

Sayer Ji – Evidence indicates that aspirin is very dangerous, but there are natural alternatives. Source:…

10 ways to accelerate progress against climate change


Sutta Study: Ill

In the Gilana Sutta, the Buddha offers a potent teaching on impermanence to an ailing and distressed monk.
The post Sutta Study: Ill appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

Transforming a Thai Temple Garden into Abstract Art

A Thai artist’s installation at a historic site creates a physical space for our inner world.
The post Transforming a Thai Temple Garden into Abstract Art appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

Use the Power of Energy to Change Your Life

In my list of the seven most powerful tools for developing a Power Brain, energy is number three on the list. Because it is an unfamiliar concept to some in the Western world, it might at first seem esoteric or fanciful, but in fact it is a common sense part of everyday life. Most people […] Source:…