GitHub Launches Sponsors, Lets You Pay Your Favorite Open-Source Contributors

GitHub today launched Sponsors, a new tool that lets you give financial support to open-source developers through recurring monthly payments. Developers will be able to opt into having a “Sponsor me” button on their GitHub repositories and open-source projects will also be able to highlight their funding models, no matter whether that’s individual contributions to developers or using Patreon, Tidelift, Ko-fi…

Types of Corporations and the Rise of the Tax Accountant

Tax accountants are increasingly relied upon for organizational strategy as technology helps them step away from data entry The accounting field is changing quickly. As you can read in our article about the future of accounting, accounting “grunt work” and data entry are on the decline. Accountants today need to be ready with a new […]
The post Types of Corporations and…

Comcast Is Reportedly Developing a Device That Would Track Your Bathroom Habits

Comcast is reportedly working on a device designed to closely monitor a user’s health. “The device will monitor people’s basic health metrics using ambient sensors, with a focus on whether someone is making frequent trips to the bathroom or spending more time than usual in bed,” reports CNBC. “Comcast is also building tools for detecting falls, which are common and potentially…

Google Glass Gets a Surprise Upgrade and New Frames

Google just unveiled its newest version of Glass. It’s not made to be a widespread consumer product, but there are business users who will care. And the latest Glass Enterprise Edition 2, with key upgraded specs, shows where most smartglasses are at. From a report: You might remember Glass as a strange 2013 footnote, but Glass has stuck around: it became…

Scientists Create Mind-Controlled Hearing Aid That Allows the Wearer To Focus On Particular Voices

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: A mind-controlled hearing aid that allows the wearer to focus on particular voices has been created by scientists, who say it could transform the ability of those with hearing impairments to cope with noisy environments. The device mimics the brain’s natural ability to single out and amplify one voice against background conversation….

Learning Inclusive Leadership Skills With a Global MBA

Diversity and inclusion are more than buzzwords. A growing body of research shows that they are core ingredients for high-performing organizations. To be truly effective, these principles need to be reflected through authentically inclusive leadership as well as hiring practices. In a recent article for the Harvard Business Review, Deloitte Australia’s Juliet Bourke breaks down […]
The post Learning Inclusive Leadership Skills…

Some of China’s ‘996’ Tech Tribe Quit, Seek Less Stress

An increasingly growing number of millennials in China are beginning to question the value of working long hours in the tech sector and deviate from the longstanding 996 work environment (working 9am to 9pm for six days a week) that many local companies religiously follow. From a report: In April, protests from tech employees against excessive overtime surfaced online, sparking an…

Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery to focus on anti-evolution treatments

Most people who die of cancer are killed by drug-resistant tumours. Can a new research centre focussing on developing anti-evolution treatments change that? Source:…

How to Write a Great Personal Statement for the Global MPH

Imperial College London’s School of Public Health is renowned for conducting world-class research on today’s most pressing public health issues. No matter how compelling your research findings are, it is essential to communicate them clearly in order to promote positive change. The same principle applies to your personal statement for the Global Master of Public […]
The post How to Write a…

An Animated Introduction to the World’s Five Major Religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity & Islam

No matter the strength of particular beliefs, or disbeliefs, religions of every kind are all equally fundamental to the human experience. This was so for thousands of years before the advent of the world’s big five religions, and for thousands of years after. “Religion has been an aspect of culture for as long as it […]

An Animated Introduction to the World’s…