‘Unauthorized Bread’: A Tale of Jailbreaking Refugees Versus IoT Appliances

Science fiction writer, journalist and longtime Slashdot reader, Cory Doctorow, a.k.a. mouthbeef, writes: My novella “Unauthorized Bread” — originally published last year in Radicalized from Tor Books — has just been published on Ars Technica: it’s an epic tale of jailbreaking refugees versus the disobedient IoT appliances they’re forced to use, and it’s being turned into a TV show by The…

A New Graphic Novel Explores How Racism Made Weed Illegal

For the last few years, a wave of legislation has been decriminalizing the recreational use of marijuana all across the United States. Cannabis advocates have long said that it should never have been illegal. The story of how the substance became outlawed in the first place combines willful ignorance, petty careerism,…Read more…Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/a-new-graphic-novel-explores-how-racism-made-weed-illeg-1834116691…