What Happened When Finland Tried to Lure the World’s Remote Tech Workers?

As 2020 came to a close, the city of Helsinki, Finland tried offering “City as a Service” to attract new workers to its growing technology hub. “We will provide selected applicants with a free 90-day relocation package for the entire family,” explained the web site for the program (which is now no longer accepting applications). “We’ll arrange your housing, daycare, schooling,…

In Historic Test, US Navy Shoots Down an Intercontinental Ballastic Missile

“In a historic test, a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead aimed at a patch of ocean off the Hawaiian Islands,” reports Popular Mechanics: Once the missile launched, a network of sensors picked it up. The data was then handed off to the guided missile destroyer USS John Finn, which launched a SM-3 Block…

Exclusive Clip From ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ Debuts In Fortnite

In 30 minutes an exclusive clip from the yet-to-be-released Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will premier in the videogame Fortnite. An anonymous reader quotes the Verge: We’ve known about the clip premiere since last week, but Epic disclosed some more concrete details Thursday night at the Game Awards. The studio says it’ll open the gates of its virtual world starting…

Kim Dotcom In Final Bid To Halt Extradition

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Controversial internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has begun a final appeal to halt his extradition from New Zealand to the U.S. on copyright-related charges. The FBI claims Mr Dotcom’s Megaupload site earned millions of dollars by facilitating illegal file-sharing. But his lawyers told New Zealand’s Supreme Court on Monday it was never meant…