Young moon, Mercury, Mars on June 4 to 6

These next several days – on June 4, 5 and 6, 2019 – use the young moon to find the planets Mercury and Mars. Then watch for the Mercury-Mars conjunction around June 17 and 18. Source:…

Curiosity sees noctilucent clouds shining in Mars’ sky

Late last month, the Curiosity rover picked up wonderful images of noctilucent – or “night-shining” – clouds in the Martian sky. Plus – if you’re at a high latitude on Earth now – it’s time to start looking for these clouds. Source:…

Ask Slashdot: Is Dockerization a Fad?

Long-time Slashdot reader Qbertino is your typical Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (LAMP) developer, and writes that “in recent years Docker has been the hottest thing since sliced bread.” You are expected to “dockerize” your setups and be able to launch a whole string of processes to boot up various containers with databases and your primary PHP monolith with the launch of a single script….

Penn’s Dr. Susan Davidson on Women in STEM and New Trajectories Into Computer Science

Over the past decade, computer science has gone from a topic for specialists to an essential tool for professionals in nearly every field. Dr. Susan Davidson of the University of Pennsylvania has been at the forefront of this sea change, including co-founding one of the first research centers for bioinformatics in the country. In this […]
The post Penn’s Dr. Susan Davidson…

Google Forces Microsoft Edge Preview Users To Use Chrome For Modern YouTube Experience

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Thurrott: Microsoft started testing a new Microsoft Edge browser based on Chromium a little while ago. The company has been releasing new canary and dev builds for the browser over the last few weeks, and the preview is actually really great. But if you watch YouTube quite a lot, you will face a new…

Deepfakes Can Now Be Made From a Single Photo

Samsung has developed a new artificial intelligence system for creating deepfakes — fabricated clips that make people appear to do or say things they never did — that only needs as little as one photo. CNET reports: The technology, of course, can be used for fun, like bringing a classic portrait to life. The Mona Lisa, whose enigmatic smile is animated…

EPA Plans To Get Thousands of Pollution Deaths Off the Books by Changing Its Math

The Environmental Protection Agency plans to change the way it calculates the health risks of air pollution, a shift that would make it easier to roll back a key climate change rule because it would result in far fewer predicted deaths from pollution, New York Times reported this week, citing five people with knowledge of the agency’s plans. From the report:…

See Beresheet spacecraft’s impact site on moon

NASA released before and after images of the spot on the moon where Israel’s Beresheet spacecraft crash-landed on April 11. Source:…