India Widens Antitrust Probe Into Google’s Android Dominance

An anonymous reader quotes Reuters:
Google appears to have misused its dominant position in India and reduced the ability of device manufacturers to opt for alternate versions of its Android mobile operating system, Indian officials found before ordering a wider probe in an antitrust case. A 14-page order from the Competition Commission of India (CCI), reviewed by Reuters this week, found Google’s…

Former Equifax CIO Sentenced to 4 Months in Prison for Insider Training

An anonymous reader quotes CNET:
A former Equifax executive who sold his stock in the consumer credit reporting firm before it announced a massive data breach has been sentenced to four months in federal prison for insider trading. Jun Ying, former chief information officer for the company’s US Information Solutions, was also ordered to pay about $117,000 in restitution and a $55,000…

Italy Stings Facebook With $1.1 Million Fine For Cambridge Analytica Data Misuse

Italy’s data protection watchdog has slapped Facebook with a $1.1 million fine for violations of local privacy law attached to the Cambridge Analytica data misuse scandal. TechCrunch reports: Last year it emerged that up to 87 million Facebook users had had their data siphoned out of the social media giant’s platform by an app developer working for the controversial (and now…

How meteors create Mars’ clouds

Scientists have been trying to figure out how clouds form in Mars’ thin atmosphere, and thanks to new research, the answer seems to be … meteors. Source:…

See super-detailed images of Saturn’s rings

Textures and patterns, from clumpy to straw-like, pop out of these images from the Cassini mission. “It’s like turning the power up a notch on what we could see in the rings,” said a scientist. Source:…

Viewing Saturn’s rings soon? Read me 1st

The best time of 2019 for seeing Saturn’s glorious rings is upon us. You’ve seen the photos, but maybe you want to see the rings with your own eyes? Here are a few things to think about. Source:…

Remembering The Retiree Who Became America’s Worst Counterfeiter

The Hustle tells the story of a mysterious legend who “produced thousands of the ugliest counterfeit $1 bills ever made…so poorly done that the Secret Service thought the perpetrator was intentionally mocking them” — using a small hand-driven printing press in his kitchen:
It was printed on cheap bond paper that could be found at any stationary store. The serial numbers were…

Will Hot-Desking Kill Your Company?

“If you hate your company, its employees and the shareholders then go ahead and introduce the latest management fad: Hot-desking,” writes Forbes contributor Simon Constable. “It’s a better way to destroy the firm than inviting Russian hackers to rob you blind. “The bigger the company, the faster the damage will occur with hot-desking.” Hot-desking is a working arrangement where employees have…

Meds Prescriptions For 78,000 Patients Left In a Database With No Password

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A MongoDB database was left open on the internet without a password, and by doing so, exposed the personal details and prescription information for more than 78,000 U.S. patients. The database contained information on 391,649 prescriptions for a drug named Vascepa; used for lowering triglycerides (fats) in adults that are on a low-fat…

Fossils reveal new details about hadrosaur’s appearance

More evidence for a showy, fleshy snout for the hadrosaur, part of the family of duck-billed dinosaurs. These creatures lived 75 million years ago in what’s now northern Montana and southern Alberta, Canada. Source:…