Microsoft Updates Edge With New Features To Challenge Chrome

Forbes looks at new features Microsoft added to Edge “as it looks to beat Chrome in the browser wars.”
It’s now going to be possible to search for work files directly inside the Edge browser directly from the address bar. To use this you need Microsoft Search configured, then type “work” and press the Tab key to search your company’s network for…

Imprisoned ‘Anonymous’ Hacktivist Martin Gottesfeld Files His First Appeal

In early 2019, Martin Gottesfeld of Anonymous was sentenced under America’s “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act” to 10 years in federal prison for his alleged role in the 2014 DDoS attacks on healthcare and treatment facilities around Boston. (Gottesfeld was sentenced by the same judge who oversaw the Aaron Swartz case.) Gottesfeld has just filed his first appeal, and Slashdot reader…

Windows XP Source Code Leaked

Artem S. Tashkinov writes: Gizmodo Australia reports: On Thursday, users on 4chan posted what they claimed was the source code of Windows XP. Posting an image of a screenshot allegedly of the source code in front of Window’s XP iconic Bliss background, one user wrote ‘sooooo Windows XP Source code leaked’. Another Redditor helpfully has uploaded the code as a torrent,…

Microsoft Secures Backend Server That Leaked Bing Data

Microsoft suffered a rare cyber-security lapse earlier this month when the company’s IT staff accidentally left one of Bing’s backend servers exposed online. From a report: The server was discovered by Ata Hakcil, a security researcher at WizCase, who exclusively shared his findings with ZDNet last week. According to Hakcil’s investigation, the server is believed to have exposed more than 6.5…

Iranian Hackers Found Way Into Encrypted Apps, Researchers Say

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Iranian hackers, most likely employees or affiliates of the government, have been running a vast cyberespionage operation equipped with surveillance tools that can outsmart encrypted messaging systems — a capability Iran was not previously known to possess, according to two digital security reports released Friday. The operation not only targets…

Mozilla Shuts Down Firefox Send and Firefox Notes Services

Mozilla is shutting down two of its legacy products, Firefox Send and Firefox Notes, the company announced today. From a report: “Both services are being decommissioned and will no longer be a part of our product family,” a Mozilla spokesperson told ZDNet this week. Of the two, the most beloved was Firefox Send, a free file-sharing service, and one of the…

A Bug In Joe Biden’s Campaign App Gave Anyone Access To Millions of Voter Files

schwit1 shares a report from TechCrunch: A privacy bug in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s official campaign app allowed anyone to look up sensitive voter information on millions of Americans, a security researcher has found. The campaign app, Vote Joe, allows Biden supporters to encourage friends and family members to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by uploading their phone’s…

10 proofs the Moon Landing was real, debunking conspiracy theories

How is the flag waving on the Moon? Why aren’t there any stars in the Apollo photos? EarthSky debunks these Moon Landing conspiracy theories and more. Source:…

C++ is About To Get a Huge Update

ZDNet reports:
The International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) C++ group, Working Group 21 (WG21), has agreed upon the finalized version of ‘C++20’, the first major update to the 35 year-old programming language since C++17 from 2017… The 2020 release of C++ is huge by historical standards. Herb Sutter, a Microsoft engineer and long-time chair of WG21 C++ ISO committee, said it “will…

The amusing skulduggery-filled tale of how beavers returned to Britain

From photocopying secret files to taking on the powerful lobby groups, activist Derek Gow’s book Bringing Back the Beaver tells his side of the story of Britain’s beaver reintroduction Source:…