New Zealand’s Central Bank Says Its Data System Was Breached

The Associated Press reports:
New Zealand’s central bank said Sunday that one of its data systems has been breached by an unidentified hacker who potentially accessed commercially and personally sensitive information. A third party file sharing service used by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to share and store sensitive information had been illegally accessed, the Wellington-based bank said in a statement….

Seagate Unveils CORTX Object Storage Software with Lyve Drive Rack Hardware Reference Design

New submitter kyubre writes: Seagate has unveiled CORTX, an open-source S3-compatible object storage software, today at their Datasphere virtual event. The source for this software-defined-storage (SDS) platform is hosted on Github. Seagate has also organized a group of open source researchers and developers in this space under the ‘CORTX Community’ moniker. As part of the Github repository, Seagate is providing a…

Anti-Piracy Outfit Hires VPN Expert To Help Track Down The Pirate Bay

Movie companies and their anti-piracy partners are pressing ahead with their legal action to track down The Pirate Bay. The site reportedly used VPN provider OVPN, which carries no logs, but a security expert — one that regularly penetration tests several major VPN providers — believes that information about the notorious site could still be obtained. TorrentFreak reports: After a period…

Massive 20GB Intel IP Data Breach Floods the Internet, Mentions Backdoors

FallOutBoyTonto writes: A leaker today posted on Twitter a link to a file sharing service that contains what an anonymous source claims is a portion of Intel’s crown jewels: A 20GB folder of confidential Intel intellectual property. The leaker dubbed the release the “Intel exconfidential Lake Platform Release ;)” The folder has been posted by an anonymous source that claims more…