Trump Campaign Angry That Cell Carriers Blocked Company Texts To Voters

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: President Trump’s re-election campaign has accused Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile of “suppression of political speech” over the carriers’ blocking of spam texts sent by the campaign. The fight was described Wednesday in an in-depth article by Business Insider and other reports. “The Trump campaign has been battling this month with the biggest…

EU Clinches Massive Stimulus Deal To Bind Continent Together

European Union leaders agreed on an unprecedented stimulus package worth 750 billion euros ($860 billion) to pull their economies out of the worst recession in memory and tighten the financial bonds holding their 27 nations together. From a report: The agreement, in the early hours of Tuesday after more than four days of acrimonious negotiations in Brussels, required the unanimous approval…

Should We Plan For a Future With Fewer Cars?

The New York Times ran a detailed piece (with some neat interactive graphics) arguing “cities need to plan for a future of fewer cars, a future in which owning an automobile, even an electric one, is neither the only way nor the best way to get around town…” It asks us to imagine a world where there’s suddenly more room for…

The F-16’s Replacement Won’t Have a Pilot At All

“The next combat aircraft to enter the U.S. Air Force inventory will not be a manned sixth-generation fighter or even the Northrop Grumman B-21,” reports Aviation Week. “By fiscal 2023, the Air Force expects to deliver the first operational versions of a new unmanned aircraft system (UAS) called Skyborg, a provocative portmanteau blending the medium of flight with the contraction for…

Ancient mammoth tusk found in Siberia is engraved with fighting camels

A 13,000-year-old mammoth tusk has engravings of camels fighting and being hunted, plus an image of a human with a camel’s hump on its body Source:…