Pakistan Forced Down Apps Made By a Persecuted Religious Minority

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BuzzFeed News: Over the last two years, the government of Pakistan has forced Google and Apple to take down apps in the country created by developers based in other nations who are part of a repressed religious minority. The move is part of a crackdown led by the country’s telecommunications regulator targeting the Ahmadiyya…

Browser Makers Launch New Project For Writing Documentation For Web APIs

A coalition of tech companies announced today the launch of Open Web Docs, a new initiative to help write documentation for Web APIs, JavaScript, and other web tooling and platforms. From a report: The new project does not view itself as a replacement for MDN Web Docs, a website hosted by Mozilla, where all browser makers agreed to move the official…

WhatsApp Clarifies It’s Not Giving All Your Data To Facebook

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: WhatsApp has published a new FAQ page to its website outlining its stances on user privacy in response to widespread backlash over an upcoming privacy policy update. The core issue relates to WhatsApp’s data-sharing procedures with Facebook, with many users concerned an updated privacy policy going into effect on February 8th will…

Fast-spreading UK coronavirus variant: All your questions answered

A scary new strain of coronavirus, innocuously named B.1.1.7, has recently exploded across southeast England, prompting the government to tighten lockdowns on the region. Though we don't know all the details, experts are increasingly confident it is more easily transmitted than other strains. Here's everything we know so far about this novel strain. Source:

Dish To Shut Down Slingbox, Devices Will Become ‘Inoperable’ In 2022

Dish Network announced that it will permanently shut down all of Sling Media’s Slingbox services and end support for the devices in two years, at which point they’ll no longer work. Variety reports: On Monday, Dish’s Sling Media unit announced that Slingbox servers will be permanently taken offline 24 months from Nov. 9, 2020. “Until then, most Slingbox models will continue…

Firefox Android Build That Caused Issues Is Working As Intended

Today, Mozilla launched the updated Firefox Android app with a version that many thought was a beta because it was full of bugs and UI issues. According to The Register, this was a deliberate software release and is the new version of Firefox for Android, which is set to hit the UK today, August 25, and the U.S. on the 27th….

How To Grow Sprouts At Home In Just 1 Week

Want to learn how to grow sprouts? It’s very simple. In fact, it will only take you around a week. Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and growing them is a great addition to your wonderful homestead. So to help you get moving, we listed down a few steps. RELATED: How To Sprout Mung Beans In Jars…Continue Reading
The post How To Grow Sprouts…

Software Defined Radio Site Closes

Long-time Slashdot reader Z00L00K writes: The site known in amateur radio for access to a plethora of SDR (Software Defined Radio) sites has now closed down. The SDR sites that exists all over the world are for listening in to primarily shortwave radio. From the site: I’d like to say a big thanks to everyone who joined my journey with…

Students Are Failing AP Tests Because the College Boards Can’t Handle HEIC Images

Many high school students around the country completed Advanced Placement tests online last week but were unable to submit them at the end because the testing portal doesn’t support HEIC images — the default format on iOS devices and some newer Android phones. The Verge reports: For the uninitiated: AP exams require longform answers. Students can either type their response or…