Apple CEO Calls For Global Corporate Tax System Overhaul

Everyone knows that the global corporate tax system needs to be overhauled, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said on Monday, backing changes to global rules that are currently under consideration. From a report: The growth of internet giants such as Apple has pushed international tax rules to the limit, prompting the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to pursue global…

NBC’s New Peacock Streaming Service Is Just One Big Ad-Injection Machine

Comcast’s NBCUniversal is launching a new streaming service in April called Peacock. With three pricing tiers from free to $10 per month, Comcast wants Peacock “to be an ad delivery system to destroy all others in its path,” writes Ryan Waniata via Digital Trends. From the report: In a shockingly long investor call, NBC revealed its big new strategy for delivering…

Famed Bigfoot bog saved by conservationists

A rare Appalachian Mountain swamp in North Carolina has seen more than it’s fair share of Bigfoot sightings. When it comes to potential Bigfoot habita… Source:…

EFF Files Amicus Brief In Google v. Oracle, Arguing APIs Are Not Copyrightable

Areyoukiddingme writes: EFF has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Google v. Oracle, arguing that APIs are not copyrightable. From the press release: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that functional aspects of Oracle’s Java programming language are not copyrightable, and even if they were, employing them to create new…

‘Fox News Is Now a Threat to National Security’

The network’s furthering of lies from foreign adversaries and flagrant disregard for the truth have gotten downright dangerous. Garrett M. Graff, writing for Wired earlier this month: Monday’s split-screen drama, as the House Judiciary Committee weighed impeachment charges against President Trump and as the Justice Department’s inspector general released a 476-page report on the FBI’s handling of its 2016 investigation into…

How Much Are Cars Spying On Their Owners?

“We’re at a turning point for driving surveillance,” reports the Washington Post (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader davidwr ). “In the 2020 model year, most new cars sold in the United States will come with built-in Internet connections, including 100 percent of Fords, GMs and BMWs and all but one model Toyota and Volkswagen.” Often included for free…

Are California’s Utilities Undermining Rooftop Solar Installations?

California now has one million solar roofs, representing about 14% of all renewable power generated in the state. But solar advocates “said the milestone has come despite escalating efforts by utilities to undermine rooftop solar installations,” according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. “They said those attacks include everything from hefty fees on ratepayers to calling for dramatic cuts to the credits…

‘Maximum PC’ Magazine Accurately Predicted Apple TV-Like Devices In 2001

Slashdot reader alaskana98 writes:
In the February 2001 issue of Maximum PC, technical editor Will Smith described in his column what he would like to see in the “perfect set-top box”. At a time when arguably the best ‘PVR’ experience was being provided by the first iterations of the Tivo (with no HDTV or LAN connectivity), Will’s description of what a set-top…

Ask Slashdot: Would You Pay To Subscribe To YouTube?

Long-time Slashdot reader shanen writes:
If you don’t watch YouTube, then more power to you, but if you do watch it, then I bet you have noticed more and more intrusive and noisy and much longer ads along with frequent reminders that you can pay up and make the noise go away. Feels like extortion to me and I’m not going to…