Lessons From 5 Years of Free Cybersecurity For At-Risk Groups

Cloudflare’s Project Galileo, which offers free high-tier DDoS protection service to journalists, dissidents, civil liberties groups and other at-risk groups, turned 5 years old this week. From a report: The project currently serves over 600 accounts. An LGBT protection group in the Middle East, for example, does important work on a shoestring budget and cannot possibly afford to block the outsized…

Why Some Businesses Really Hate Yelp

An anonymous reader quotes Slate: The overall argument of Billion Dollar Bully, the new documentary about Yelp released on Amazon and iTunes in May, is that Yelp extorts small business owners for advertising fees in return for helping to manage and improve reviews on their platform… Yelp has fought back against the allegations made in the film, arguing that “There has…

The Ambitious Plan To Reinvent How Websites Get Their Names

When you type in a URL to your browser and press “enter,” your browser sends that name to a network of computers called the Domain Name System (DNS), which converts it into IP addresses. These numbers are what allow your browser to find the right server on the internet and connect to it. When you navigate to a website, you are…

‘Pumping Heart Patch’ Ready For Human Use

A “pumping” patch containing millions of living, beating stem cells could help repair the damage caused by a heart attack, according to researchers. Reader dryriver shares a report: Sewn on to the heart, the 3cm (1in) by 2cm patch, grown in a lab from a sample of the patient’s own cells, then turns itself into healthy working muscle. It also releases…

Boeing Says Some 737 Max Planes Might Have Defective Parts

“Boeing on Sunday said some of its 737 planes, including many 737 Max aircraft, may have faulty parts on their wings,” reports CNN. Working with the Federal Aviation Administration, Boeing said it has reached out to airlines that fly 737 planes, advising them to inspect their slat track assemblies on Max and NG aircraft. The 737 NG series includes the 737-600,…

Use of Male Mice Skews Drug Research Against Women, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The male mind is rational and orderly while the female one is complicated and hormonal. It is a stereotype that has skewed decades of neuroscience research towards using almost exclusively male mice and other laboratory animals, according to a new study. Scientists have typically justified excluding female animals from experiments — even…

Penn’s Dr. Susan Davidson on Women in STEM and New Trajectories Into Computer Science

Over the past decade, computer science has gone from a topic for specialists to an essential tool for professionals in nearly every field. Dr. Susan Davidson of the University of Pennsylvania has been at the forefront of this sea change, including co-founding one of the first research centers for bioinformatics in the country. In this […]
The post Penn’s Dr. Susan Davidson…

Theresa May, Undone by Brexit, To Resign as UK Prime Minister

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain surrendered to mounting pressure from her lawmakers on Friday and said she would step aside as leader, after almost three years of trying and failing to lead Britain out of the European Union. From a report: Mrs. May said she would stand aside as leader of the Conservative Party on June 7, but remain as…

A Rocket Built By Students Reached Space For the First Time

In the early morning of April 21, 10 students from the University of Southern California’s Rocket Propulsion Lab successfully launched a rocket above the Karman Line, the imaginary boundary that separates earth’s atmosphere and space. As Wired reports, this is the first time a collegiate rocket has made it to space. The team may have successfully accomplished this feat last September…