IDC: For 1 In 4 Companies, Half of All AI Projects Fail

A new study from International Data Corporation (IDC) found that of the organizations already using AI, only 25% have developed an “enterprise-wide” AI strategy, and it found that among those in the process of deploying AI, a substantial number of projects are doomed to fail. VentureBeat reports: IDC’s Artificial Intelligence Global Adoption Trends & Strategies report, which was published today, summarizes…

Google’s Jigsaw Was Supposed To Save the Internet. It Became a Toxic Mess Instead.

Google’s internet freedom moonshot has gotten glowing attention for its ambitious projects. But current and former employees, leaked documents, and internal messages reveal a grim reality. From a report: It’s an organization that over the years has earned a seemingly endless run of glowing press coverage: Jigsaw has been called the “internet justice league,” an “elite think tank,” and a team…

Microsoft Issues Warning For 800M Windows 10 Users

Consumer tech reporter Gordon Kelly describes “an important new Windows 10 warning (and the failure behind it)” for all 800 million of Microsoft’s Windows 10 users: What Microsoft confirms it did was quietly switch off Registry backups in Windows 10 eight months ago, despite giving users the impression this crucial safeguarding system was still working. As Ghacks spotted at the time,…

Small Slug Blamed For Power Failure On Japan’s High-Speed Rail Network

Last month, Japan’s high-speed rail network suffered a massive power outage that cancelled a total of 26 trains and delayed an estimated 12,000 passengers. The cause of the outage? A single, small slug. CNN reports: During a later inspection of the network’s electrical equipment, the company’s engineers discovered a dead slug, measuring about 2 to 3 centimeters (0.7 to 1.1 inches)…

Millions of Dell PCs Vulnerable To Flaw In Pre-Installed Software

secwatcher shares a report from Threatpost: Millions of PCs made by Dell and other OEMs are vulnerable to a flaw stemming from a component in pre-installed SupportAssist software. The flaw could enable a remote attacker to completely takeover affected devices. The high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2019-12280) stems from a component in SupportAssist, a proactive monitoring software pre-installed on PCs with automatic failure detection…

Millionaire Hacker Gets 9 Years In Death of Man Building Nuclear Bunker Tunnels

A wealthy stock trader and “skilled computer hacker” was sentenced Monday to nine years in prison for the fiery death of a man who was helping him secretly dig tunnels for a nuclear bunker beneath a Maryland home. Baltimore Sun reports: Daniel Beckwitt, 28, had faced a maximum of 30 years in prison when Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Margaret Schweitzer…

Study sheds light on gauge invariance in ultrastrong-coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics

In quantum electrodynamics, the choice of gauge (i.e. specific mathematical formalism used to regulate degrees of freedom) can greatly influence the form of light-matter interactions. Interestingly, however, the “gauge invariance” principle implies that all physical results should be independent from a researcher’s choice of gauge. The quantum Rabi model, which is often used to describe light-matter interactions in cavity-QED, has been…

Why New York’s Subway Still Uses OS/2

Every day 5.7 million people ride the subway in New York City — and are subjected to both “the whims of the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the unheard-of reliability of a marginally successful operating system from the early 1990s.” martiniturbide shared this report from Tedium:
OS/2 and MTA consultant Neil Waldhauer said in an email, “For a few years, you could bet…

Massive Electrical Failure Cuts Power To Nearly All Of Argentina On Election Day — and Uruguay

Iwastheone quotes the BBC: A massive electrical failure has left almost all of Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to a major Argentine electricity provider. Authorities say the cause of the blackout is still unclear. Argentine media said the power cut occurred shortly after 07:00 [03:00 PST, 11:00 BST], causing trains to be halted and failures with traffic signalling. It came…

‘Medicine Needs To Embrace Open Source’

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols from ZDNet argues that “the expensive and abusive pharmaceutical industry needs to open up to improve everyone’s health.” An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: Now, I know little about creating and testing drugs. Here’s what I do know: Open source and data produces better results than proprietary methods. In technology, the field I know best,…