Internet Archive Adds Fact Checks To Explain Web Page Takedowns

AmiMoJo writes: Fact checking is increasingly a mainstay of the modern internet, and that now includes “dead” web pages. The Internet Archive has started adding fact checks and context to Wayback Machine pages to explain just why they were removed. If a page was part of a disinformation campaign or pulled due to a policy violation, a conspicuous yellow banner will…

Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact Checks Face Quiet Political, Financial Pressures

tedlistens writes: Facing questions about a mysterious series of changes to some fact-check labels, Facebook recently wrote to a group of senators with an assurance: its fact checkers can and do label “opinion” content if it crosses the line into falsehood. What Facebook didn’t tell the senators: the company draws that line, and can pressure changes to fact checks & misinformation…

Protesting Mark Zuckerberg Comments About Fact-Checking, Fake News About Mark Zuckerberg Goes Viral

“I don’t think that Facebook or internet platforms in general should be arbiters of truth,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Thursday. Since then, Vice reports, “Fake news about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is being shared widely on the internet, including on his own social network…” Zuckerberg’s quote is particularly confusing because Facebook does fact-check some news posts, and uses a byzantine, third-party…