Masks are Effective, Despite One Flawed Study From Denmark

“I think the overwhelming body of evidence suggests that masks are effective,” the lead author of a study recently cited by America’s Center for Disease Control told the Washington Post. They were responding to another (very controversial) outlier study whose findings “conflict with those from a number of other studies,” according to the New York Times, citing numerous experts. “Critics were…

National Mask Mandate Could Save 5 Percent of GDP, Economists Say

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Washington Post: After a late-spring lull, daily coronavirus cases in the United States have again hit record highs, driven by resurgent outbreaks in states such as Florida, Arizona and California. Hospitals in Houston are already on the brink of being overwhelmed, and public health experts worry the pandemic’s body count will soon again…

Study: 100% Face Mask Use Could Crush Second, Third COVID-19 Wave

“A new modeling study out of Cambridge and Greenwich universities suggests that face masks may be even more important than originally thought in preventing future outbreaks of the new coronavirus,” reports SFGate: To ward off resurgences, the reproduction number for the virus (the average number of people who will contract it from one infected person) needs to drop below 1.0. Researchers…