Has Section 230 Created a ‘Vast Web of Vengeance’?

Slashdot reader GatorSnake shares “Another take of the implications of Section 230… One person poisoned the online personas of multiple people who had ‘wronged’ her, with it being nearly impossible to have the false accusations removed from the sites or from Google’s search results.” The New York Times reports:
Mr. Babcock, a software engineer, got off the phone and Googled himself. The…

Ransom Gangs Increasingly Outsource Their Work

Brian Krebs writes via KrebsOnSecurity.com: There’s an old adage in information security: “Every company gets penetration tested, whether or not they pay someone for the pleasure.” Many organizations that do hire professionals to test their network security posture unfortunately tend to focus on fixing vulnerabilities hackers could use to break in. But judging from the proliferation of help-wanted ads for offensive…

Patient Dies After Hospital Hit By Ransomware Attack

wiredmikey writes: A patient died after a German hospital was hit by ransomware attack, when hackers thought they were targeting a university. German authorities said that what appears to have been a misdirected hacker attack impacted systems at a major hospital in Duesseldorf, and a woman who needed urgent admission died after she had to be taken to another city for…

Ransomware Scumbags Leak Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX Documents After Contractor Refuses To Pay

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: Internal confidential documents belonging to some of the largest aerospace companies in the world have been stolen from an industrial contractor and leaked online. The data was pilfered and dumped on the internet by the criminals behind the DoppelPaymer Windows ransomware, in retaliation for an unpaid extortion demand. The sensitive documents include…

Crooks Keep Revealing Their Crimes on Social Media

Quartz tells the story of a large-scale heroin and methamphetamine dealer named Francisco Ruelas-Payan who’s now serving 15 years in prison:
While phone records and GPS location devices were useful in helping investigators keep tabs on Ruelas-Payan’s location and near-term plans, it was his public Facebook activity that not only confirmed many of these leads but also offered additional clues authorities used…

New Email-Based Extortion Scheme Targets Website Owners Serving Ads Via Google AdSense

Brian Krebs sheds light upon a new email-based extortion scheme targeting website owners serving banner ads through Google’s AdSense program. “In this scam, the fraudsters demand bitcoin in exchange for a promise not to flood the publisher’s ads with so much bot and junk traffic that Google’s automated anti-fraud systems suspend the user’s AdSense account for suspicious traffic,” writes Krebs. From…

Ask Slashdot: Would You Pay To Subscribe To YouTube?

Long-time Slashdot reader shanen writes:
If you don’t watch YouTube, then more power to you, but if you do watch it, then I bet you have noticed more and more intrusive and noisy and much longer ads along with frequent reminders that you can pay up and make the noise go away. Feels like extortion to me and I’m not going to…

Uber Allegedly Paid $100K Ransom and Had Hackers Sign NDAs After Data Breach

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CBS News: New details about how Uber responded to a massive hack attack in 2016 raise questions about the way it handled sensitive customer information. Instead of reporting the hackers to police, the company allegedly paid $100,000 in exchange for a promise to delete 57 million user files the men stole off a third…

Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency Could Be Misused By Terrorists, Says Treasury Chief Mnuchin

In a press conference Monday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Facebook’s proposed digital currency, Libra, “could be misused by money launderers and terrorist financiers” and that it was a “national security issue.” CNBC reports: “Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have been exploited to support billions of dollars of illicit activity like cyber crime, tax evasion, extortion, ransomware, illicit drugs and human trafficking,”…