Kangaroos can learn to ask for help from humans just like dogs do

Kangaroos exposed to human interaction learned to use body language, such as head movements or pawing at people, to ask for help Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2263145-kangaroos-can-learn-to-ask-for-help-from-humans-just-like-dogs-do/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Is that a UFO?! There’s probably an explanation

Most Unidentified Flying Objects aren’t actually unidentified. Here’s a list of phenomena, either natural or human-made, that people often mistake for UFOs. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/if-its-not-a-ufo-what-is-it…

Sluggish start for Arctic sea ice freeze-up

Early ice retreat amid warm Arctic air temperatures set the stage for the slow refreeze in 2020. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/sluggish-start-for-arctic-sea-ice-freeze-up-2020…

Spotify Resets Passwords After a Security Bug Exposed Users’ Private Account Information

Jerry Rivers shares a report from TechCrunch, adding: “…and it took the music service seven months to notice.” From the report: In a data breach notification filed with the California attorney general’s office, the music streaming giant said the data exposed “may have included email address, your preferred display name, password, gender, and date of birth only to certain business partners…

Microplastics left in water are more easily absorbed by mouse cells

Microplastic particles exposed to fresh water or saltwater for several weeks – mimicking real-life pollution – are 10 times more likely to be absorbed than pristine ones Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2262297-microplastics-left-in-water-are-more-easily-absorbed-by-mouse-cells/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

A photonic curveball has real-world examples in soccer, baseball

Have you ever been amazed by a curveball goal scored by Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo? Then you have—possibly without knowing it—been exposed to the Magnus effect: the fact that spinning objects tend to move along curved paths. In a new publication that appeared in Physical Review Letters this week, Robert Spreeuw shows that the same effect occurs to…

‘Mysterious Object Hurtling Towards Earth’ is a 1966 Booster Rocket

“A Mysterious Object Is Hurtling Towards Earth, and Scientists Don’t Know What It Is,” read Newsweek’s headline on Monday, describing an object projected to pass 31,605 miles from earth. (One astronomer told them that was roughly 13% of the average distance between the earth and the moon). But then a computer model calculated its past trajectories through space, according to the…

Data of 243 Million Brazilians Exposed Online via Website Source Code

The personal information of more than 243 million Brazilians, including alive and deceased, has been exposed online after web developers left the password for a crucial government database inside the source code of an official Brazilian Ministry of Health’s website for at least six months. From a report: The security snafu was discovered by reporters from Brazilian newspaper Estadao, the same…

Epidemiologist explains CDC guidance on 15 minutes of exposure

New guidance from the CDC says that 15 minutes of exposure – regardless of whether that occurs at one time – can result in transmission of the coronavirus. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/epidemiologist-explains-cdc-guidance-15-minutes-covid19-exposure…

Messaging App Go SMS Pro Exposed Millions of Users’ Private Photos and Files

Go SMS Pro, one of the most popular messaging apps for Android, is exposing photos, videos and other files sent privately by its users. Worse, the app maker has done nothing to fix the bug. TechCrunch reports: Security researchers at Trustwave discovered the flaw in August and contacted the app maker with a 90-day deadline to fix the issue, as is…