Gartner Predictions Reveal How AI Will Change Our World

Gartner research has announced 10 “strategic technology trends that will drive significant disruption and opportunity over the next 5 to 10 years.” And the trends include “hyperautomation” — applying advanced technologies like AI and machine learning to tasks “that once required humans,” combining robotic process automation with intelligent business management software to provide “real-time, continuous intelligence about the organization…with a goal…

Nasty PHP7 Remote Code Execution Bug Exploited in the Wild on NGINX Servers

nickwinlund77 shares this story from ZDNet: A recently patched security flaw in modern versions of the PHP programming language is being exploited in the wild to take over servers, ZDNet has learned from threat intelligence firm Bad Packets. The vulnerability is a remote code execution (RCE) in PHP 7, the newer branch of PHP, the most common programming language used to…

Figuring out why trees are strong could help build wooden skyscrapers

Studying the nanostructure of live wood has revealed tiny cylinders that provide strength – a property we could exploit for green buildings Source:…

US Army signs deal to exploit ‘UFO technology’

The military has teamed up with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ group to study alleged UFO ‘metamaterials’. Back in July, Steve Justice – chief operating… Source:…

Teenagers Are Easily Bypassing Apple’s Parental Controls

“Kids are outsmarting an army of engineers from Cupertino, California,” reports the Washington Post: And Apple, which introduced “Screen Time” a year ago in response to pressure to address phone overuse by kids, has been slow to make fixes to its software that would close these loopholes. It’s causing some parents to raise questions about Apple’s commitment to safeguarding children from…

Attackers Exploit New 0-day Vulnerability Giving Full Control of Android Phones

“Attackers are exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Google’s Android mobile operating system that can give them full control of at least 18 different phone models,” reports Ars Technica, “including four different Pixel models, a member of Google’s Project Zero research group said on Thursday night.” The post also says there’s evidence the vulnerability is being actively exploited. An anonymous reader quotes…