Baby Advice for New Parents: How to Get a Newborn to Sleep

Listen to Mary Kohn of the University of Colorado share newborn baby care tips for right after birth and more. She covers if you can hold a newborn too much, how to get newborns to sleep without being held, and when babies sleep through the night naturally. Want to hear more from Mary? Enroll for […]
The post Baby Advice for New…

In 2019, Should You Learn Python or Javascript First?

Unsure which programming language you should learn first? Charles Severance, also known as Dr. Chuck, is a professor at the University of Michigan School of Information and has taught over one million students on Coursera about programming, coding, and technology. Below, Dr. Chuck talks about whether Python and Javascript are still worth learning in 2019, […]
The post In 2019, Should You…

Coursera | Expert Network: Connecting Journalists with Experts from Top Universities

By Arunav Sinha, Head of Global Communications at Coursera September 24, 2019 – University educators are widely trusted as independent experts who inform conversations both in and out of the classroom. In a world that is increasingly polarized by extreme views and misinformation, academic experts bring a sense of balance and rigor that elevates the […]
The post Coursera | Expert Network:…

Life in Space: Searching for Aliens and Living on a Nearby Super-Earth

Recently, NASA discovered the first nearby super-Earth that researchers believe contain “habitable zones.” With this new discovery alongside the buzz of Elon Musk’s vision for a colony on Mars and Jeff Bezo’s floating space pod colonies, are we close to living in space? Or perhaps we’ll find alien life before that happens? Astronomers are now […]
The post Life in Space: Searching…