Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting Protections For Social Media Platforms

President Trump signed an executive order on Thursday designed to limit the legal protections that shield social media companies from liability for the content users post on their platforms. Axios reports: “Currently, social media giants like Twitter received unprecedented viability shield based on the theory that they are a neutral platform, which they are not,” Trump said in the Oval Office….

Trump To Order Review of Law Protecting Social Media Firms After Twitter Spat

President Trump will sign an executive order later today that mandates a review of a law that shields companies like Twitter, Google and Facebook from being held liable for the content appearing on their platforms after fact checks for the first time were added to two of his tweets. From a news report: The executive order Trump is expected to sign…

Trump Will Temporarily Suspend Immigration Into the US For 60 Days Due To Coronavirus Fears

President Trump tweeted on Monday night that he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the U.S. to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, adding that his decision was spurred by an “attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens.” Trump later clarified at a coronavirus…

Executive Order Allows Couples in New York To Get Married via Video Conference

New Yorkers looking to tie the knot while the state is under lockdown now have the option of getting married via video conference. From a report: During his daily coronavirus briefing, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday he is issuing an executive order that will allow clerks to perform marriage services over video conferencing software. Cuomo also stated couples in the state…

Open-Source Electronics Maker Adafruit Switches To Producing Face Shields, Other PPE

Slashdot reader and managing director of Adafruit, Phillip Torrone, a.k.a. ptorrone, writes: Tom’s Hardware talked to Adafruit about what it’s like to switch from selling tech to selling protective gear, and when hobbyists can expect things to return to normal. In March of 2020, Adafruit was deemed an essential service and business for critical manufacturing in NYC by executive order 202.6,…

Trump Signs Executive Order To Support Moon Mining, Tap Asteroid Resources

An anonymous reader quotes a report from President Donald Trump signed an executive order today (April 6) establishing U.S. policy on the exploitation of off-Earth resources. That policy stresses that the current regulatory regime — notably, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty — allows the use of such resources. This view has long held sway in U.S. government circles. For example,…

Virginia Is the First Southern State With a 100 Percent Carbon-Free Electricity Goal

An anonymous reader shares a report: Virginia has become the first among the Southern US states to take on a goal for 100 percent carbon-free electricity. State governor Ralph Northam, an Army veteran and pediatric neurologist, issued Executive Order 43. The executive order detailed the state’s plans to reach a zero CO2 energy goal by 2050. In September 2019, Northam also…

Navy Confirms It Has a Secret Classified Video of an Infamous UFO Incident, Says Releasing It Would Threaten National Security

The US Navy says it has classified documents and video related to a 2004 UFO encounter and releasing those materials would threaten national security. From a report: The Pentagon has Top Secret-classified briefings and a Secret-classified video about an infamous UFO incident, the U.S. Navy said in response to a public records request. The files concern the 2004 encounter between the…

Trump Could Mandate Free Access To Federally Funded Research Papers

The White House is rumored to be working on an executive order that would require all scientific papers that are based on federally funded research to be made available online free of charge as soon as they are published. That would supersede a 2013 rule issued by the Obama White House that required federally funded papers to become freely available one…