Epic Games’ Tim Sweeney Rips Google and Apple In Defense of Nvidia’s GeForce Now

bigwophh writes: As the number of publishers pulling out of Nvidia’s GeForce Now cloud game streaming service continues to grow, the company has found an ally in Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, who vowed on Twitter to “wholeheartedly” support the company’s efforts. He also took potshots at Apple and Google over the royalty rate each one charges on their respective…

Huge PS5 Leak Spills a Bunch of Info On Sony’s Reveal Event

A PS5 leak posted on 4Chan, which was later reposted on Reddit, spills a bunch of information on the PlayStation 5 reveal event which is expected to take place in February. According to the leak, the PS5 will be unveiled on February 5 at a PlayStation Meeting event for the media. “The console design, controller, UI/home screen, certain features, console specs,…

Google Stadia Promises More Than 120 Games in 2020, Including 10 Exclusives

Google said today that it’s on track to bring more than 120 games to its cloud gaming service Stadia in 2020 and is planning to offer more than 10 Stadia-exclusive games for the first half of the year. From a report: That would be a pretty massive jump from the 26 games and one exclusive that are currently available, and all…

Xbox Won’t Have Series X Exclusives for at Least a Year

Microsoft announced that the upcoming Xbox Series X won’t launch with exclusive games for at least a year. Instead, any new title playable on the Series X will also be playable on older Xbox One consoles. IGN reports: “As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and…

Tech News Site ‘The INQUIRER’ Is Shutting Down

Long-time Slashdot reader pvjr writes that “The Inquirer is giving up the ghost and going dark in March, 2020.” An announcement on the site from the site’s editor explains that the change is “due to a recent decline in digital advertising, along with a change of focus for the business…” “We came, we Inquired, we’re off to the pub.” The site…

Apple Plans To Bankroll Original Podcasts To Fend Off Rivals

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Apple plans to fund original podcasts that would be exclusive to its audio service, according to people familiar with the matter, increasing its investment in the industry to keep competitors Spotify and Stitcher at bay. Executives at the company have reached out to media companies and their representatives to discuss buying exclusive rights…

TurboGrafx-16 Mini Launches In March With 50-ish Games

You’ll be able to complete the trifecta of tiny 16-bit throwback systems on March 19, 2020, when Konami releases the TurboGrafx-16 Mini. From a report: It’ll include Dracula X, Bonk’s Revenge, Gradius and many more games, including many Japanese exclusives. Konami said last week that it will sell the device exclusively through Amazon, with preorders opening up on Monday, July 15…

Epic Plans More Exclusives For Its Games Store

DarkRookie2 shares a report from Ars Technica: If you thought Epic was done adding to the growing pile of PC games exclusively available on its own Games Store, well… I’d like to know where you got that impression. In any case, you should think again, because Epic has announced it will “reveal brand-new material for several games, including some exclusives, coming…