Facebook Cancels Large In-Person Events Through June 2021

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: Facebook (FB) is canceling all of its planned physical events with 50 or more people through June 2021 due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Some of those events will be held virtually instead, wrote CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post on his Facebook page on Thursday. Zuckerberg also said the “vast majority”…

Earth had its 2nd-hottest March on record

January through March 2020 was also our planet’s 2nd-hottest year to date in the climate record dating back to 1880, according to a NOAA report. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/march-2020-2nd-hottest-global-on-record…

Ticketmaster Will No Longer Refund Postponed Shows

Ticketmaster has quietly changed its refund policy to no longer cover postponed or rescheduled shows. Now, the Live Nation company’s refund policy simply says: “Refunds are available if your event is canceled.” From a report: It’s hardly a secret that the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has brought the live-event industry to a screeching halt. Responding both to government mandates and health concerns,…

Why You’re Still Paying For Sports On Cable When There’s No Live Sports

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Cable-TV companies are still charging customers for sports channels even as the coronavirus pandemic forces the suspension of all major sports leagues. The continued charges include Regional Sports Network (RSN) fees, which often add almost $10 to customer bills in exchange for access to local professional and college live-sports broadcasts. But RSN…

Great Barrier Reef Suffers Its Most Widespread Mass Bleaching Event On Record

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Washington Post: Surveys conducted by scientists at Australia’s James Cook University and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority show that a summer of extreme heat has caused the reef, which is a World Heritage Site, to suffer a mass bleaching of unprecedented scale. Corals from the far north to the southern tip…

Earth’s Crust Is Shaking Less After Coronavirus Lockdowns

CNN reports:
Around the world, seismologists are observing a lot less ambient seismic noise — meaning, the vibrations generated by cars, trains, buses and people going about their daily lives. And in the absence of that noise, Earth’s upper crust is moving just a little less. Thomas Lecocq, a geologist and seismologist at the Royal Observatory in Belgium, first pointed out this…

Snopes Disputes ‘Shakiness’ of COVID-19 Origin Story Claimed By Washington Post OpEd

Thursday an Opinion piece in the Washington Post touted what the paper’s own health policy reporter has described as “a conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked by experts.” That conspiracy theory argues that instead of originating in the wild, the COVID-19 virus somehow escaped from a research lab. Now the fact-checking web site Snopes has also weighed in this week,…