Chess Grandmaster Caught Cheating in Tournament With Hidden Cellphone in Bathroom

“The World Chess Federation (FIDE) announced Saturday that it caught chess grandmaster Igors Rausis cheating during a tournament in France,” writes Bleacher Report. According to, the FIDE noted that Rausis was “caught red-handed using his phone during a game.” A cellphone was found in a toilet that Rausis had used during the competition, and Rausis later admitted to using it…

The Days of Getting a Cheaper Cable Bill By Threatening To Leave May Be Over

With internet service growing faster and more profitable, subscribers are becoming expendable, meaning pay-TV companies no longer need to entice customers who are threatening to quit with discounts and special offers. Bloomberg reports: Over the past few years, pay-TV stocks have suffered wicked swings as investors reacted to growing subscriber losses. But they’ve recovered as the companies shift their focus to…

Will Disney+ Destroy Netflix?

“Netflix has 175 days left to pull off a miracle… or it’s all over,” argues a headline at Forbes for an article by the chief analyst at disruption research firm RiskHedge: Netflix is not the future of TV. Netflix changed how we watch TV, but it didn’t really change what we watch… Netflix has achieved its incredible growth by taking distribution…