Swiss Report Reveals New Details On CIA Spying Operation

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Washington Post: The CIA and German intelligence jeopardized Switzerland’s historic reputation for neutrality by using a Swiss company as a platform for a global espionage operation for decades, according to a report released Tuesday by members of the Swiss parliament. Investigators concluded that Swiss authorities were aware of, and at times complicit in,…

Russian Hackers Targeted California, Indiana Democratic Parties In Repeat of 2016 Attacks

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: The group of Russian hackers accused of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election earlier this year targeted the email accounts of Democratic state parties in California and Indiana, and influential think tanks in Washington and New York, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The attempted intrusions, many of which were…

Edward Snowden Granted Permanent Residency In Russia

Fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted permanent residency in Russia, his lawyer said on Thursday. wiredmikey writes: Snowden, the former US intelligence contractor who revealed in 2013 that the US government was spying on its citizens, has been living in exile in Russia since the revelations. The 37-year-old has said he would like to return to the United States….

Most Cyber-Security Reports Only Focus On the Cool Threats

The vast majority of reports published by the cyber-security industry focus on high-end economic espionage and state-sponsored hacking topics, ignoring threats to civil society and creating a distorted view of the actual cyber threat landscape that later influences policy-makers and academic work. From a report: In an article published in the Journal of Information Technology & Politics, a team of academics…

Amazon Removes Job Listings For Intelligence Analyst To Track ‘Labor Organizing Threats’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Amazon [was] looking to hire two intelligence analysts to track “labor organizing threats” within the company. The company recently posted two job listings for analysts that can keep an eye on sensitive and confidential topics “including labor organizing threats against the company.” Amazon is looking to hire an “Intelligence Analyst” and a “Sr…

Should the U.S. Pardon Edward Snowden?

Long-time Slashdot readers 93 Escort Wagon and schwit1 both shared the news that U.S. President Trump is “considering” a pardon for Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor who “leaked a trove of secret files in 2013 to news organizations that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations” carried out by the agency, according to Reuters: U.S. authorities for years…

TikTok Tracked User Data Using Tactic Banned By Google

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MarketWatch: TikTok skirted a privacy safeguard in Google’s Android operating system to collect unique identifiers from millions of mobile devices, data that allows the app to track users online without allowing them to opt out, a Wall Street Journal analysis has found. The tactic, which experts in mobile-phone security said was concealed through an…

The Vatican Is Said To Be Hacked From China Before Talks With Beijing

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Chinese hackers infiltrated the Vatican’s computer networks in the past three months , a private monitoring group has concluded, in an apparent espionage effort before the beginning of sensitive negotiations with Beijing. The attack was detected by Recorded Future, a firm based in Somerville, Mass. The Chinese Communist Party has…

The US-China Battle Over the Internet Goes Under the Sea

Last week, Washington strongly objected to a new project from Facebook and Google. It’s too risky and offers “unprecedented opportunities” for Chinese government espionage, the Justice Department declared. The project, however, wasn’t about online speech or contact tracing, but concerned an issue that would seem far less politically charged: building an undersea internet cable from the United States to Hong Kong….

Obscure Indian Cyber Firm Spied On Politicians, Investors Worldwide

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: A little-known Indian IT firm offered its hacking services to help clients spy on more than 10,000 email accounts over a period of seven years. New Delhi-based BellTroX InfoTech Services targeted government officials in Europe, gambling tycoons in the Bahamas, and well-known investors in the United States including private equity giant KKR and…