It’s time to watch for the zodiacal light

The zodiacal light is an eerie light extending up from the horizon. This is a good time of year to see it in the evening, from the Northern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere, look before dawn! Source:…

Full Snow Moon near star Regulus February 8 and 9

The full moon instant occurs on February 9, 2020, at 7:33 UTC. The moon will appear full to the eye on both February 8 and 9. It’ll be near the star Regulus in Leo. We in North America call the February full moon the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon. Source:…

Groundhog Day is an astronomy holiday

Groundhog Day is tied to the movement of Earth around the sun. Falling approximately midway between a solstice and an equinox, it’s the year’s 1st cross-quarter day. Source:…

Will Punxsutawney Phil get it right in 2020?

Every February 2nd, a weather-prognosticating groundhog in Pennsylvania tells us if we should expect six more weeks of winter or an early spring. Should we believe him? Source:…

‘Super-puff’ exoplanets are like cosmic cotton candy

New observations of “super-puff” exoplanets by the Hubble Space Telescope have provided scientists with more clues about these enigmatic and strange worlds. Source:…

Earth closest to sun on January 4-5

We reach our closest point to the sun for 2020 on January 4 or 5, depending on your time zone. Source:…

Sun’s entry into zodiac signs, 2020

Every year, at the December solstice, the sun enters the sign Capricorn. One month later, on January 20, 2020, the sun will enter the sign Aquarius. We provide the dates for the sun’s entry into each sign of the zodiac for the year 2020. Source:…

Why the New Year begins on January 1

Celebrating the New Year on January 1 is a civil event, not an astronomical one. And yet nature cooperates to make January 1 a satisfying time to start anew. Source:…

December solstice starts shortest season

Shortest season – between the December solstice and March equinox – is about 89 days. Longest season – June solstice to September equinox – is about 94 days. Here’s why that happens. Source:…

Solstice tale of two cities

December solstice sunrise comes at the same time for St. Augustine, Florida, and New York City. But St. Augustine has an hour more of daylight than New York. Here’s why. Source:…