5 essential L&D themes from Coursera Partner Conference

I recently had the pleasure of attending the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference in London, where we brought together academic, business and tech pioneers in a two-day celebration of learning. Amongst guest speakers were Thomas Friedman, Yale University, the Abu Dhabi Dhabi School of Government, AXA, Novartis, Coursera Co-Founder Andrew Ng, and many more. Throughout the […]
The post 5 essential L&D themes…

Install the Windows Sandbox in Windows 10 Home

The upcoming feature update for Windows 10, the May 2019 Update or Windows 10 version 1903, includes a new feature called Windows Sandbox. Windows Sandbox is a secure environment that is separated […]
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Scientific Linux Distro is Being Discontinued; The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and CERN Will Move To CentOS

Scientific Linux, a 14-year-old operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and which was maintained by some significant members of the scientific community such as The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and CERN, is being discontinued. From a report: While current versions (6 and 7) will continue to be supported, future development has permanently ended, with the organizations instead turning…

21.15 – MU Podcast

What happens when you let an ET drive your car or go to a nightclub with them? We find out on this episode as we discuss an incredibly unusual Scandinavian UFO encounter. Then in our Plus+ extension we cover a disturbing case of death precognition before exploring cases of after-death dream communication. Sponsors Squarespace –… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/21-15-mu-podcast/…

HDD Shipments Fell Nearly 13% in the First Quarter of 2019, 18% Since Last Year

Suren Enfiajyan writes: HDD shipments are continuing to decline. This is about all major HDD vendors with WDC with the most decline yearly — 26.1% against 11.3% (Toshiba) and 14.4% (Seagate). Desktop HDD shipments are said to have fallen to just 24.5 million units, a drop of nearly 4 million units from the previous quarter. Laptop HDD shipments dropped more than…

BlackBerry Messenger To Shut Down In May

The consumer version of Blackberry Messenger is shutting down May 31. CNET reports: Emtek, the company BlackBerry partnered with in 2016 to run the consumer version of the messaging app, said in a blog post Thursday that the technology industry is “very fluid” and despite “substantial efforts,” users have moved on to other platforms. “We poured our hearts into making this…

3 winners and 3 losers from the Mueller report

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/18/18485546/mueller-report-release-winners-losers…