Artificial rope bridges help stop rare primates jumping to extinction

A landslide created a perilously wide gap in the forest canopy on China’s Hainan Island, so researchers made rope bridges to help the endangered Hainan gibbons get across Source:…

Return of Myanmar’s smiling turtle

Need something to smile about? Here’s a story about smiling turtles saved from extinction in Myanmar. Source:…

750 Million Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Approved For Release In Florida Keys

A plan to release over 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys in 2021 and 2022 received final approval from local authorities, against the objection of many local residents and a coalition of environmental advocacy groups. The proposal had already won state and federal approval. CNN reports: Approved by the Environment Protection Agency in May, the pilot project is…

Can Firefox Be Saved?

“Even with another infusion of cash from Google, you have to wonder just how long Firefox will survive as a viable, mainstream web browser,” argues ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
I’ve been using Mozilla’s Firefox browser since it was still in beta. In 2004, for a while, it was my favorite web browser. Not because it was open-source, but because it…

Endangered tigers have made a remarkable comeback in five countries

The number of wild tigers is on the increase in Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Russia, say conservationists Source:…

Western Bumblebee Population Drops Up To 93% Over the Last 20 Years

The western bumblebee is one of around 30 bumblebee species in the western U.S. and Canada. Now a federal review “unveils an alarming trend for the western bumblebee population, which has seen its numbers dwindle by as much as 93% in the last two decades,” reports the Associated Press: The find by the U.S. Geological Survey will help inform a species…

Almost all lemur species are now endangered

Verreaux’s sifaka was once a common lemur species across the south of Madagascar, but is now listed as critically endangered, the last classification before extinction Source:…

Check out this sloth robot

SlothBot is a slow-moving and energy-efficient robot that can linger in the trees to monitor animals, plants, and the environment below. Source:…