What Would Happen If All Encryption Could Be Broken?

“What would happen, or what should happen, if tomorrow a trivial method was discovered for Prime Factorization?” asks Slashdot reader medv4380: By trivial I mean an algorithm that runs in relatively constant time that could factor a number like 2737631357921793461914298938174501291 relatively instantly on most modern hardware today. And that even increasing the bit length wouldn’t slow it down much. How much…

Is Facebook Already Working On An Encryption Backdoor?

Horst Seehofer, Germany’s federal interior minister, wants to require encryption companies to provide the government with plain text transcripts. One security expert says Facebook is already working on a way to make it happen. An anonymous reader quotes his remarks in Forbes: The reality is that at its annual conference earlier this month, Facebook previewed all of the necessary infrastructure to…

A German Minister Wants To Ban End-to-End Chat Encryption

An anonymous reader quotes the Next Web:
According to Spiegel Online, the country’s Federal Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, wants encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp and Telegram to provide chat logs in plain text to the authorities. Since these services come with end-to-end encryption, the companies will have to break the encryption and provide a backdoor to give access to the texts. Wired…

Apple, Google and WhatsApp Condemn GCHQ Proposal To Eavesdrop on Encrypted Messages

Tech giants, civil society groups and Ivy League security experts have condemned a proposal from Britain’s eavesdropping agency as a “serious threat” to digital security and fundamental human rights. From a report: In an open letter to GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), 47 signatories including Apple, Google and WhatsApp have jointly urged the U.K. cybersecurity agency to abandon its plans for a…

Samsung’s New Chips Support 100W USB-C Fast Charging

Samsung on Tuesday announced the launch of two new chips that it says will support secure, fast-charging USB-C power delivery controllers. “One of them, the SE8A, is what the company calls the industry’s first solution that combines a power delivery controller and Secure Element in a single chip, offering new protections like security key storage,” reports BGR. “Another result of the…

‘The Future of Work is Remote’

An anonymous reader shares a report: Facebook’s F8 2019 developer conference dominated last week, with talk of AI and AR/VR and privacy. But the news and reactions were all largely expected, and frankly, I was disappointed there was no detail on end-to-end encryption messaging across Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. No, what really stood out for me this week was last night’s…

New all-fiber device simplifies free-space based quantum key distribution

Researchers have developed a simple and stable device to generate the quantum states necessary for quantum key distribution. The device could make it more practical to develop a global data network that uses this very secure method of encryption to protect everything from credit card transactions to texts. …

ASU’s Dr. Partha Dasgupta on the Biggest Stories in Cryptography

Cryptography is an essential practice for our data-driven world. In this Q&A, Dr. Partha Dasgupta, an Associate Professor at Arizona State University (ASU) with experience at DARPA, shares some of his insights on the state of cryptography. For computer science students, the ASU Online Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree is an opportunity to learn […]
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