Manjaro Linux Tries Forming A Company To Fund Full-Time Development shares some big Linux news: Since 2011, Arch Linux-based Manjaro has focused on being a simple-to-use, accessible Linux desktop distribution with a friendly community… But as of today, Manjaro Linux is no longer just a Linux distribution — it’s officially transforming into a company with ambitious plans for its future. Say hello to Manjaro GmbH & Co. KG. The announcement…

The Next Hot Job: Pretending To Be a Robot

“As the promise of autonomous machines lags the underlying technology, the growing need for human robot-minders could juice the remote workforce,” reports The Wall Street Journal. An anonymous reader shares excerpts from the report: Across industries, engineers are building atop work done a generation ago by designers of military drones. Whether it’s terrestrial delivery robots, flying delivery drones, office-patrolling security robots,…

Founders of Successful Tech Companies Are Mostly Middle-Aged

After analyzing high-growth companies in the United States, a team of economists discovered that most superstar entrepreneurs are middle-aged. Their study is being published in the journal American Economic Review: Insights. The New York Times reports: The researchers looked at start-ups established between 2007 and 2014 and analyzed the top 0.1 percent — defined as those with the fastest growth in…