France To Build New Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier

France will build a new, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to replace its Charles de Gaulle carrier by 2038, French President Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday. The Associated Press reports: Macron framed the decision to use nuclear reactors to propel the future warship as part of France’s climate strategy, stressing its lower emissions compared to diesel fuel. Speaking at a nuclear facility in the…

Pakistan’s PM Asks Facebook To Ban Islamophobic Content

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan called on Facebook to ban Islamophobic content on its platform, warning of a spike in radicalization amongst Muslims, hours after he hit out at the French president for “attacking Islam.” Reuters reports: Pakistan summoned the French ambassador in Islamabad as anger spread on Monday over President Emmanuel Macron’s reaction to the murder last week of a…

French President Emmanuel Macron Compares 5G Opponents To Amish

neutrino38 writes: “France is the country of the Enlightenment, it is the country of innovation […] We are going to debunk all false ideas. Yes, France is going to take the 5G turning point because it is the turning point of innovation,” Macron insisted in front of a hundred French Tech entrepreneurs gathered at the Elysee. “I hear a lot of…

Iter: World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Project Begins Assembly

Thelasko writes: The world’s biggest nuclear fusion project has entered its five-year assembly phase. After this is finished, the facility will be able to start generating the super-hot “plasma” required for fusion power. The $23.5 billion facility has been under construction in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, southern France. Advocates say fusion could be a source of clean, unlimited power that would help tackle the…

EU Clinches Massive Stimulus Deal To Bind Continent Together

European Union leaders agreed on an unprecedented stimulus package worth 750 billion euros ($860 billion) to pull their economies out of the worst recession in memory and tighten the financial bonds holding their 27 nations together. From a report: The agreement, in the early hours of Tuesday after more than four days of acrimonious negotiations in Brussels, required the unanimous approval…

France Shuts Down Oldest Reactors, But Nuclear Power Still Reigns

An anonymous reader shares a report from Agence France-Presse (AFP): France will start closing its oldest atomic power plant on Saturday after 43 years in operation, the first in a series of reactor shutdowns but hardly a signal the country will reduce its reliance on nuclear energy anytime soon. Unplugging the two reactors at Fessenheim, along the Rhine near France’s eastern…

Undercover Reporter Reveals Life In a Polish Troll Farm

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: It is as common an occurrence on Polish Twitter as you are likely to get: a pair of conservative activists pouring scorn on the country’s divided liberal opposition. “I burst out laughing!” writes Girl from oliborz, a self-described “traditionalist” commenting on a newspaper story about a former campaign adviser to Barack Obama…

Macron Says France and US Have Reached a Deal To End a Standoff Over a French Tax on Big Internet Companies

France and the United States have reached a deal to end a standoff over a French tax on big internet companies, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday. From a report: U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened to hit back with tariff action after France passed a law earlier this year that would impose a 3% tax on revenues earned on…

Trump Says US To Hit France With ‘Substantial’ Action For Digital Tax

President Donald Trump said today the U.S. would hit France shortly with a “substantial reciprocal action” after Paris announced a tax aimed at U.S. technology companies. He said: “If anybody taxes them, it should be their home country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly,” Trump tweeted, referring to French President Emmanuel Macron. “I’ve always…

France to unveil new space defence strategy

France will on Thursday outline a new strategy for defence in space after President Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of a French space force command to deal with emerging threats to its interests in orbit. Source:…