Eric S. Raymond: Is Microsoft Switching To a Linux Kernel That Emulates Windows?

Most of Microsoft’s money now comes from its cloud service Azure, points out open-source advocate Eric S. Raymond. Now he posits a future where Windows development will “inevitably” become a drag on Microsoft’s business: So, you’re a Microsoft corporate strategist. What’s the profit-maximizing path forward given all these factors? It’s this: Microsoft Windows becomes a Proton-like emulation layer over a Linux…

Exorcist visits Icelandic farm near ‘elf hill’

The exorcism was performed following a lengthy spate of unexplained phenomena in and around the property. Steeped with folklore and mythology, Iceland… Source:…

Wizards of the Coast Is Addressing Racist Stereotypes In Dungeons & Dragons

AmiMoJo shares a report from Polygon: Dungeons & Dragons publisher Wizards of the Coast has acknowledged the existence of racist stereotypes in its sourcebooks, and pledged to make changes to ameliorate the issue. In a blog post published on June 17 titled “Diversity and Dungeons & Dragons,” Wizards of the Coast said that depicting a diverse array of human beings –…

Wine 5.0 Released

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BleepingComputer: Wine 5.0 has been released today and contains over 7,400 bug fixes and numerous audio and graphics improvements that will increase performance in gaming on Linux. With the release of Wine 5.0, WineHQ hopes to resolve many of these issues, with the main improvements being: -Builtin modules in PE format: To make games…

NextCloud Linux Servers Targetted by NextCry Ransomware

b-dayyy quotes Linux Security: A new and particularly troublesome ransomware variant has been identified in the wild. Dubbed NextCry, this nasty strain of ransomware encrypts data on NextCloud Linux servers and has managed to evade the detection of public scanning platforms and antivirus engines. To make matters worse, there is currently no free decryption tool available for victims. Ransomware hunter and…