Man’s ‘heart attack’ was really side effect from swallowed battery

When a man arrived at the emergency room, it looked to doctors like he was having a heart attack. But that was a false alarm: The man had actually swallowed a battery that messed with his electrocardiogram (EKG). Source:

Print These Electronic Circuits Directly Onto Skin

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: New circuits can get printed directly on human skin to help monitor vital signs, a new study finds. In the new study, researchers developed a way to sinter nanoparticles of silver at room temperature. The key behind this advance is a so-called a sintering aid layer, consisting of a biodegradable polymer paste…

‘No Clear Evidence’ Hydroxychloroquine Works Against COVID-19

This week the Washington Post asked their “business of health care” reporter to explain the true status in the scientific community of hydroxychloroquine, an already-approved malaria drug also used to control inflammation in lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients. “There is no clear evidence that the drugs work against the coronavirus,” he writes, “despite their use by hospitals and doctors in the…

Apple Watch Blood Oxygen Detection Feature Found In iOS 14 Code Snippet

Apple Watch will add the ability to detect blood oxygen levels for the first time, 9to5Mac has learned based on an exclusive look at iOS 14 code snippets. From the report: Blood oxygen levels between 95 and 100% are considered healthy; blood oxygen levels below 80% may lead to compromised heart and brain functionality. Risk of respiratory or cardiac arrest is…

With Suction Cups and Lots of Luck, Scientists Measure Blue Whale’s Heart Rate

Using a bright orange electrocardiogram machine attached with suction cups to the body of a blue whale, scientists for the first time have measured the heart rate of the world’s largest creature and came away with insight about the renowned behemoth’s physiology. From a report: The blue whale, which can reach up to 100 feet (30 meters) long and weigh 200…