Ancient Egyptian Coffin With Two Mummies Inside Found In 5,000-Year-Old Cemetery

Egyptian archaeologists uncovered an ancient stone coffin located in a cemetery that’s 5,000-year-old. The discovery was made at Quesna Cemetery in the Nile Delta region which is north of Cairo. What’s so peculiar about the finding is that the two poorly conditioned mummies that were inside of the coffin were lying on top of each… Continue reading Ancient Egyptian Coffin With Two Mummies Inside Found In 5,000-Year-Old Cemetery

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Hidden Palace With Markings Of Ramesses The Great

Archaeologists from New York discovered an Egyptian palace at the same site as the adjoining Temple of Ramesses II. The palace and temple are located at the ancient site of Abydos, Egypt, where numerous kings are also buried. Archaeologists were excavating in and around the temple when they discovered the palace. They first found a… Continue reading Archaeologists Discover Ancient Hidden Palace With Markings Of Ramesses The Great

Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine

Archaeologists have discovered over 100 ancient inscriptions that were carved into the rock at Wadi el-Hudi, which is where the Egyptians mined amethysts in ancient times. They also found 14 stele (which are inscriptions that are carved on a slab of stone or pillar) and 45 ostraca (which are inscriptions that are written on pottery… Continue reading Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine