Will Machine Learning Build Up Dangerous ‘Intellectual Debt’?

Long-time Slashdot reader JonZittrain is an international law professor at Harvard Law School, and an EFF board member. Wednesday he contacted us to share his new article in the New Yorker: I’ve been thinking about what happens when AI gives us seemingly correct answers that we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves, without any theory to explain them. These answers are a…

What Happens When Landlords Can Get Cheap Surveillance Software?

“Cheap surveillance software is changing how landlords manage their tenants and what laws police can enforce,” reports Slate. For example, there’s a private company contracting with property managers that says they now have 475 security cameras in place and can sometimes scan more than 1.5 million license plates in a week. (According to Clayton Burnett, Watchstore Security’s director of “innovation and…

House Lawmakers Demand End To Warrantless Collection of Americans’ Data

Two House lawmakers are pushing an amendment that would effectively defund a massive data collection program run by the National Security Agency unless the government promises to not intentionally collect data of Americans. TechCrunch reports: The bipartisan amendment — just 15 lines in length — would compel the government to not knowingly collect communications — like emails, messages and browsing data…

Redditor Allowed To Stay Anonymous, Court Rules

Online free speech has been given a victory, with a federal court ruling that a Redditor can remain anonymous in a copyright lawsuit. From a report: This means anyone from around the globe who posts on Reddit can still rely on First Amendment protections for anonymous free speech, because Reddit is a US platform with a US audience. The Electronic Frontier…

Corporate Surveillance: When Employers Collect Data on Their Workers

An anonymous reader quotes CNBC:
The emergence of sensor and other technologies that let businesses track, listen to and even watch employees while on company time is raising concern about corporate levels of surveillance… Earlier this year, Amazon received a patent for an ultrasonic bracelet that can detect a warehouse worker’s location and monitor their interaction with inventory bins by using ultrasonic…

Twitter Removed Links to News Stories That Mentioned Leaked TV Shows

Starz used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to force Twitter to kill tweets about its leaked episodes of ‘American Gods.’ Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/j5wxak/twitter-removed-links-to-news-stories-that-mentioned-leaked-tv-shows…

Twitter Doesn’t Want You Sharing This Link About TV Piracy

Twitter is home to some of the vilest neo-Nazis, racists, and homophobes on the planet. But don’t even think about discussing the one topic that’s apparently taboo on the platform: Piracy of TV shows.Read more… Source: https://gizmodo.com/twitter-doesnt-want-you-sharing-this-link-about-tv-pira-1834043362…