Lifelong Learning and Career Advancement on edX: Meet Andreas

We recently talked with Andreas who completed the MicroMasters program in Managing Technology and Innovation from RWTH Aachen University on edX. Here’s what Andreas had to say about his experience earning his MicroMasters credential: How did you first learn about edX? I first read about edX in the MIT Technology Review magazine back in 2014. After hearing about it, I…

From Nursing to NGO Work – Changing Careers with a MicroMasters Credential: Meet Mandela

I’ve been following edX for some time, and first heard about the MicroMasters program, Leadership in Global Development, from University of Queensland, in the edX newsletter. I have always wanted to be a global leader, and this course seemed like the first step to get there. There was even an opportunity to gain entrance to a prestigious university if I…

Behind the Scenes at edX: Meet Lauren!

Our newest edX Insider is Lauren, Senior Director and Head of B2C Product. Lauren is talking with us about all things product management – from her experience and insights to her best advice for learners who are interested in pursuing a career as a product manager. Q: Product Managers are often called “Product CEOs.” Why do you think that is? A: Like…

Behind the Scenes at edX

In the second part of our edX Insider series, we’re heading over to the engineering team to chat with a software engineer. We’re talking with Brittney, a Senior Software Engineer on our Business Engineering Team. A Colorado native, Brittney is a problem solver who is passionate about how edX uses technology for social good. Q: What do you think makes…