Leaked Documents Reveal Saudi Arabia’s Plans For Its Next Megacity

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: A new report from The Wall Street Journal shares some of the proposals for Saudi Arabia’s biggest megaproject yet: a city built in the desert named Neom, where robots will outnumber humans and hologram teachers will educate genetically-enhanced students. These are only proposals, of course, dreamt up by American consulting firms like…

edX and Boston University Questrom School of Business Launch Fully Online MBA

edX is pleased to announce the launch of an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Boston University Questrom School of Business. The program is designed specifically for online learners who seek to advance their management careers in today’s global economy, providing a comprehensive, engaging, and integrated experience centered on the themes that drive business in the 21st century. The BU…

Tinder Bypasses Google Play Joining Revolt Against App Store Fee

Tinder has joined a growing backlash against app store taxes by bypassing Google Play in a move that could shake up the billion-dollar industry dominated by Google and Apple. From a report: The online dating site launched a new default payment process that skips Google Play and forces users to enter their credit card details straight into Tinder’s app, according to…

Are Millennials Spending Too Much Money On Coffee?

An anonymous reader quotes the Atlantic:
Suze Orman wants young people to stop “peeing” away millions of dollars on coffee. Last month, the personal-finance celebrity ignited a controversy on social media when a video she starred in for CNBC targeted a familiar villain: kids these days and their silly $5 lattes. Because brewing coffee at home is less expensive, Orman argued, purchasing…

5 Essential skills of an Entrepreneur (Or Intrapreneur) in 2019

In today’s fast-paced digital economy, innovation is everything. Whether you’re an entrepreneur building a startup from scratch or an “intrapreneur” innovating within an established company, the ability to develop a new idea from concept to successful execution can open up exciting – and lucrative – career opportunities.  Becoming a successful entrepreneur (or intrapreneur) requires a […]
The post 5 Essential skills of…

Amazon Pledges $700 Million To Teach Its Workers to Code

Amazon announced Thursday that it will spend up to $700 million over the next six years retraining 100,000 of its US employees, mostly in technical skills like software engineering and IT support. From a report: Amazon is already one of the largest employers in the country, with almost 300,000 workers (and many more contractors) and it’s particularly hungry for more new…

Imperial Researchers Model US Health Impacts of FDA Sodium Targets

Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest public health challenges facing America today by any measure. It is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the U.S., resulting in 800,000 deaths and 6 million hospital admissions per year. Cardiovascular disease costs the economy $318 billion annually in healthcare costs and an additional $237 billion […]
The post Imperial Researchers Model US…

Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks Inequality in Brazil, Imperial Research Shows

The United Nations has declared reducing inequality as one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both within and among countries. This includes a target for countries to adopt social protection policies that “progressively achieve greater equality.” Healthcare is a core concern of those social protection policies, and a recent study shows that expanding access to […]
The post Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks…

Robots To Take 20 Million Jobs, Worsening Inequality, Study Finds

A new study by Oxford Economics, a private British-based research and consulting firm, says robots are expected to take over some 20 million manufacturing jobs worldwide by 2030, extending a trend of worsening social inequality while boosting overall economic output. “The forecast set to be released Wednesday highlights growing concerns that automation and robots, while offering economic benefits, are disproportionately killing…

A Group of Microsoft Employees Is Fighting the Company’s Political Action Committee

A group of more than 30 Microsoft employees is lobbying coworkers to stop donating to the company’s political action committee in an effort to starve the PAC of funds, multiple Microsoft workers with knowledge of the efforts told OneZero. From a report: While Microsoft pitches itself as an inclusive and progressive company — especially during Pride Month, with tweets and donations…