Why the Second-Hand eBook Market May Never Take Off

Europe’s highest court on Thursday ruled that the exhaustion of copyright does not apply to e-books. “The court says that offering ‘second-hand’ e-books for sale qualifies as an unauthorized ‘communication to the public’ under the 2001 InfoSec Directive,” reports World IP Review. Not only could this ruling have implications for the book industry, but for the digital film, gaming and music…

New NASA ebook reveals insights of Earth seen at night from space

Earth has many stories to tell, even in the dark of night. Earth at Night, NASA’s new 200-page ebook, is now available online and includes more than 150 images of our planet in darkness as captured from space by Earth-observing satellites and astronauts on the International Space Station over the past 25 years. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-12-nasa-ebook-reveals-insights-earth.html…

Today’s ‘Day Against DRM’ Protests Locks On Educational Materials

This year’s “International Day Against DRM” is highlighting user-disrespecting restrictions on educational materials. An anonymous reader quotes the Free Software Foundation’s Defective By Design site: The “Netflix of textbooks” model practiced by Pearson and similar publishers is a Trojan horse for education: requiring a constant Internet connection for “authentication” purposes, severely limiting the number of pages a student can read at…